The documentary or whatever about. the Boleyns is on PBS tonight, 7pm cst. We'll see how it is. These films are usually more entertainment then truth. It may be blaming the victims.
The second book briefly discusses Erzebet and furthers word for word the stories of bathing in blood, which are false, and takes no account of the works of Kraft and Thorne. The book is a good basic source, but there are other inaccuracies, including the the idea that Sawney Beane and his murderous clan were real, when they are really the name of a Band and folklore. Bean has also inspired films and novels. Still, both are interesting views and reads.
I have Pinterest Boards on Anne Boleyn and Erzebet on all my accounts, one under my name with the gargoyle photo, another set under my name with the antique doll photo I also use on Google.
See, Who was Sawney Bean?
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