There was an AOL feature on Erzebet recently; here is our newsletter, free to you. | | | | | | The Mandalay Marionettes Swing Again! Happy Valentine's Week |
It's Valentine's Day and President's Day tomorrow! The New York Toy Fair took place this weekend, along with one of our oldest Antique Shows! Look for reports on both soon! This week we take a look at the famous Mandalay Marionettes and their important role in the culture of Myanmar. Also, in light of last week's Rendezvous Auction, an update on our girl Ginny is printed here for your approval. Here is also a review of some lovely Chinese opera dolls and dolls for Washington's Birthday in honor of President's day. Do you have photos of patriotic dolls you would like to share? Email me at Note that our old "collect dolls" email address is no longer in service, and thanks to the persistent reader who found me last week when she discovered the old email no longer worked. I'd also like to take time to remember my friend, Mary Hillier, who loved Valentine's Day, and whose last gift to me was a magazine in which she had published about antique Valentines. Mary left this world on February 14, 1999, but she is with me every day in spirit, and her wonderful doll research lives on. Happy Collecting, and Happy Valentine's Day, and thank you for your notes and emails. |
 | Ellen Tsagaris Doll Collecting Expert |
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