This is a blog to explain in a legal and historical context the life and alleged crimes of Erzebet Bathory. We hope to be fair and enlightening to our readers. We welcome comments, but remain family friendly.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
A bibliography from a descendant
Website created by an ancestor. There are very good graphics including photos of her Castle and of her portraits.
•Ammer, Vladímir. Cachtice. Bratislava: Alfa-Press, 1997.
•Baker, Scott. Ancestral Hungers. (fiction) New York: Tor Books, 1995.
•Baring-Gould, Sabine. The Book of Werewolves. Orig. London: Smith Elder, 1865. repr. New York: Causeway Books, 1973.
•Bathory Al Babel, Gia. The Trouble with the Pears (fiction) Bloomington, Ind.: Authorhouse, 2006.
•Bloodcult, The: The Magazine for Dark Souls and Vampire Lovers. Crete: The Nocturnal Summoning V.S., 2001
•Burtinshaw, Julie: Romantic Ghost Stories. Edmonton, Alberta: Ghost House Books, 2003. Contains "Love Gone Astray: Castle Csejthe, Hungary"
•Cachtice 1248-1998. Multimediálne CD o obci Cachtice. Nové Mesto: Visgra s.r.o., 1998.
•Canale, Ray. Nightfall: The Blood Countess. (fiction) Paperback Audio, 1990 (text) 1998 (recording).
•Carillo, Carlos. Para Tenerlos Bajo Llave. (fiction) 1994. (Contains Legado de los Carpatos).
•Codrescu, Andrei. The Blood Countess. (fiction) (manuscript); publ. New York: Dell, 1996.
•Craft, Kimberly L. Infamous Lady: The True Story of Countess Erzsébet Báthory. [n.p.], 2009.
•de Heus, Hanna. Erzsébet. (fiction) Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Podium, 1998.
•Elsberg, R. von. Elizabeth Bathory (Die Blutgräfin). Breslau, 1894; 1904 (new version?)
•Glut, Donald F. True Vampires of History. New York: HC Publishers, 1971.
•Farin, M. Heroine des Grauens. Wirken und Leben der Elizabeth Báthory. Munich, 1989.
•Farkas, I. Cséthe vár véres asszonya (Báthory Erzsébet töténete). Budapest, 1936.
•Glut, Donald F. The Dracula Book. The Scarecrow Press, Inc., Metuchen, N.J.: 1975 Republished as The Truth About Dracula, New York: Stein and Day.
•Hayes, Bill. Five Quarts: A Personal and Natural History of Blood. New York: Ballantine Books, 2005.
•Kocis, Jozef. Alzbeta Báthoryová a palatín Thurzo: Pravdo a cachtickej panej. Vydavatel'sto Blaha, 1996.
•London, Sondra. True Vampires: Blood-Sucking Killers Past and Present. Los Angeles: Feral House, 2004.
•McNally, Raymond T. Dracula Was a Woman. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983.
•Manguel, Alberto, ed. Other Fires. (fiction) New York: Clarkson N. Potter, 1986. (Contains The Bloody Countess by Alejandra Pizarnik)
•Melton, J. Gordon. The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead. Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1994.
•Mickael-Mitchell, Ariane. La Joconde Sanglante. (fiction) Toulon: Les Presses Du Midi, 2009.
•Mordeaux, A. Bathory: Memoir of a Countess (fiction) Charleston SC: BookSurge Publishing, 2008.
•Newton, Michael. Bad Girls Do It! Port Townsend, Washington: Loompanics Unlimited, 1993.
•Niznánsky, Jozo: Cachtická Pani. Bratislava: L Mazac Praba, ?
•Penrose, Valentine. Erzsébet Báthory, La Comtesse Sanglante. Paris, 1962. Eng. trans. The Bloody Countess. London, 1970. New edition: Creation Books, 2000.
•Pérez, Carlos D.: Siete Lunas de Sangre. (fiction) Buenos Aires: Topía Editorial, 1999.
•Perisset, Maurice. La Comtesse de Sang: Erzsebeth Bathory. Paris: Pygmalion, 1975.
•Peters, Robert. The Blood Countess. Cherry Valley, N.Y.: Cherry Valley Editions, 1987.
•Pirrotta, Luciano: Erzsébet Báthory: Una Visione - Incubo Rosso (play). [no city], Italy, Sallustiana, 2003.
•Requiem: Archives du vampirisme Montpellier: Cercle d'Études Vampiriques, 1998.
•Rexa, Dezso. Báthory Erzsébet Nadasdy Ferencne. Budapest, 1908. New version?
•Ronay, Gabriel. The Truth About Dracula. London: Gallancz, 1972. Repr. New York: Stein and Day, 1972.
•Seabrook, William. Witchcraft. New York: Harcourt, 1940. Repr. New York: Lancer Books, 1968.
•Szádeczky-Kardos, I. Báthory Erzsébet igazsá 1983.
•Thorne, Tony: Children of the Night: of Vampires and Vampirism. London: Indigo, 2000.
•Thorne, Tony: Countess Dracula. The life and times of the Blood Countess, Elisabeth Bathory. London: Bloomsbury, 1997.
•Turoczi, Lászlo. Báthory Erzsébet. Budapest, 1744. New version? Eng. trans?
•Turoczi, Lászlo. Ungaria suis cum regibus compendia data. Nagyszombat, 1729. New version? Eng. trans?
•Twiss, Miranda: The Most Evil Men and Women is History. London: Michael O'Mara Books, 2002.
•Wagener, Michael. Beiträge zur Philosophischen Anthropologie. Vienna, 1796. New version? Eng. trans?
Bathory sites move around so quickly it's almost impossible to keep up with them. Of my two dozen original links, all have expired, and I have some new ones. Send them along, please. I give preference to authoritative sites and certainly non-anonymous ones. (Updated April 18, 2010)
•The best online bibliography: Melinda K. Hayes: Vampiri Europeana: Elisabeth Bathory
•J. N. W. Bos: Erzsébet of Transylvania
•Sabrina Cox: Csejthe Castle
•Gilbert Geras: Photos of Csejthe Castle
•Melinda K. Hayes: Vampiri Europeana, or, A Bibliography of Non-English European Resources on Vampires in Literature, Folklore, and Popular Culture
•K. Hoffman: The Blood Countess, Erzabet Bathory of Hungary
•Jerome C. Krause: Erzsébet (Elizabeth) Báthory
•Elizabeth Miller: Dracula's Homepage
•"Elric Warrior" (pseud): Erzsébet Bathory
•Zordan Zandor: Elisabeth Bathory
•Anonymous: [Untitled Erzsébet Biography]
•Vilnius Library Manuscripts, including Bathory decrees.
•Vampires: Origins of the Myth, Part 6 -- The Blood Countess
•alt.vampyres newsgroup homepage
•Pathway to Darkness vampire resource site
•Andrei Codrescu Home Page
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