This is a blog to explain in a legal and historical context the life and alleged crimes of Erzebet Bathory. We hope to be fair and enlightening to our readers. We welcome comments, but remain family friendly.

Monday, May 21, 2012
Writing World; Free to Share
I post this free to share newsletter on all of my blogs. Erzebet inspires many works of music and literature; read below; you never know if you might like to add to the EB Canon.
A World of Writing Information - For Writers Around the World
Issue 12:10 13,183 subscribers May 17, 2012
MANAGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION: See the bottom of this newsletter for
details on how to subscribe, unsubscribe, or contact the editors.
THE EDITOR'S DESK: Whether to Be Rich, Enriched, or Enriching...
by Moira Allen
THE WRITER'S DESK: Resale Rights, by Moira Allen
FEATURE: 7 Reasons Why Writers Should Blog, by Jennifer Brown Banks
THE WRITE SITES -- Online Resources for Writers
The Author's Bookshelf
WRITERSCOLLEGE.COM has 57 online courses. Prices are low. If you
can reach our web site, you can take our courses.
WRITE FOR CHILDREN. Achieve your dream of becoming a published
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Whether to Be Rich, Enriched, or Enriching...
I've just finished one of those "how to get rich" books, and it
seems to have brought out my inner curmudgeon. The book was "Rich
Dad, Poor Dad," by Robert Kiyosaki -- and if wealth is your goal, I
honestly can't say that I recommend it.
It did make one point I agree with, however: That the U.S.
educational system (and, I assume, the educational systems of most
of the rest of the world) do not prepare people for independent
thinking, but rather, trains folks to be employees whose primary
purpose is to build wealth for OTHER people. Kiyosaki describes
this, appropriately, as "the rat race" -- and it's certainly the
rat race that many of us became freelance writers to avoid.
What kept me grumbling throughout the book, however, was the
persistent emphasis on a single goal: Making more money. To
Kiyosaki, it would seem, building wealth is all -- wealth for
himself, wealth to pass on to his children. And by "wealth" he
means, simply, money.
As a writer, I can't help but think that this is a limited, and
rather sad, perspective on life. "Wealth" is a word that has been
used, historically, to mean far more than the amassment of material
riches. Can we be wealthy, without being rich?
I suspect that if the majority of folks who consider themselves
"writers" chose this profession, or avocation, with the sole
purpose of amassing material wealth, the readership of this
newsletter would be down to about two. Not that there aren't
plenty of us seeking to earn a living through our words. But most
of us, I think, didn't choose writing as a tool to make loads MORE
money than, say, data entry or real estate. Most of us chose it
because we found a wealth in words that outweighs the wealth of a
steady paycheck.
I suspect that most of us became writers because we recognized how,
throughout our lives, we have been enriched by words. We were the
oddballs in school who actually LIKED books. We looked forward to
reading; in fact, our parents and teachers probably despaired of
ever getting us to STOP reading. "Put down that book and go
outdoors and play!" we were told. (How many of us "complied" by
smuggling a book outdoors with us?) Our peers regarded us as
nerds, brainiacs, social outcasts -- but we'd already discovered a
world so far beyond that which our peers valued that we didn't care
(much). Books became our friends, our doorways to worlds real and
imagined, our inspiration. They made us rich in spirit.
Gradually, as we began to spin our own words, we realized that what
we had received, we could also give. Through our words, we could
influence, inspire, and inform. Through articles, stories, poetry
and books, we could enter do for others what generations of
authors, past and present, had done for us. WE could enrich the
world with OUR words, just as our own worlds had been enriched by
the words of others.
Does it matter, in the long run? Let's try a little test. First
-- quickly, now! -- rattle off the names of, say, ten or twelve of
the richest men of the 19th century. No peeking at Wikipedia! OK,
we have Rockefeller, DuPont, Astor, Schwab, Morgan, um... hang
on... There were lots more, surely! (And I'm sure you probably
came up with a longer list, or a different list, from mine.)
Now... Quickly, again, rattle off the names of, say, a dozen great
AUTHORS of the 19th (or even 18th) century. Again, no peeking at
Wikipedia. Was it difficult to hit a dozen? Did you want to just
keep on going? Did names come thick and fast? Twain, Dickens,
Austen, Irving, Pushkin, Doyle, Harte, Bronte (plural), Sand,
Eliot, Thackeray, Hugo, Baum, Carroll... Doesn't the list just go
on and on? Again, you probably came up with a different list, a
longer list... and that's precisely the point!
Another interesting point: Money can only be measured in terms of
money. One speaks of the "richest" men, not the "best" rich men or
the "greatest" rich men. But when one speaks of authors, one
speaks of the best, the greatest, the most inspiring, the most
inspired. And here's yet another point: Money is measured in terms
of quantity, i.e., who has the most? But greatness can be attained
without extinguishing someone else's lamp. The greatness of Jane
Austen doesn't diminish the greatness of Charles Dickens, or of
Mark Twain, or of Arthur Conan Doyle. Likewise, it won't diminish
yours, any more than yours will diminish theirs.
Ironically, in the introduction to his book, Kiyosaki DOES list
some of the richest men of America in the early 1920's, and then
points out that by the end of the Depression, most of them were
dead, many having committed suicide. (Another bit of irony is
quite a number of the 19th century's richest men, and at least one
famous author*, died on the Titanic...) It's a good illustration
of the hard truth that if material wealth is all, then losing it
truly means losing all.
I'm certainly not saying that we, as writers, should not strive
toward material gain. I'm not one of those who believes that to be
paid for our words is, somehow, to have "prostituted" our art. I've
always regarded that attitude as the excuse of someone who has no
real interest in enriching others but prefers to say, "My work is
so brilliantly obscure no one can appreciate it but me." On the
contrary, I believe "the laborer is worth of his [and her] hire."
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being materially enriched by
a skill that brings so much into the lives of others.
What I'm suggesting, and I suspect I'm preaching to the choir, is
that while we are happy to earn the coin, we're in this for a great
deal more. Those who are simply "rich" may make a splash in the
here-and-now, but are quickly forgotten in the pages of history.
Those who ENRICH are remembered, often for centuries -- even if
they lived as paupers.
And these are tough times for many authors, times when assignments
and paychecks can be few and far between. Yet it's exactly at such
times that we need to remember why we started down this road in the
first place: Because we were far more interested in sharing the
wealth of the rainbow than in hoarding the pot of gold.
Every time you write something that helps someone learn, grow,
heal, change, or simply smile, you've made someone's life richer.
There's money and there's wealth -- and as a writer, you're storing
up treasure that moth and rust cannot destroy.
*Jacques Futrelle, if anyone is wondering.
-- Moira Allen, Editor
Copyright 2012 Moira Allen
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The Writing Desk: Resale Rights
By Moira Allen
Can I resell stories I previously sold with no contract?
Q: I wrote a continuing series of stories for a magazine, which
they published and paid me for. I never was given or signed any
contract, nor was anything mentioned about who owned the rights.
Now I would like to sell the story series as a book. Is this
permissible? Legal? Can the original publisher sue me? Should I ask
their permission?
A: Without a written contract to establish a publication's
ownership of rights, rights are assumed to rest with the author. A
publication cannot claim or assume to claim all rights, or some
specific bundle of "extra" rights (such as anthology rights or
electronic rights, which would be implied by the use you describe)
without some form of prior agreement with the author. Nor can such
an agreement be established after the fact -- i.e., after you've
already sold the articles. A contract must precede a sale, as it
is considered the agreement upon which a sale is based.
Since you were not an employee of the magazine, they cannot claim
that the material was "work for hire." Even if they have a policy
statement listed somewhere (e.g., in their writers' guidelines)
that claim particular rights, this is not necessarily legally
binding (though at that point the magazine could claim that you
"knew" of this policy before submitting material).
In this case, you should not need to ask permission, as you hold
the copyright to your articles. When no rights transfer is
specified, you are assumed to have sold "first" or "one-time"
rights, which leaves you the right to resell the material later.
Out of courtesy, you may wish to note in your collection that these
articles originally appeared in X magazine, but you don't need
If you feel uncomfortable about the magazine management's reaction,
you may wish to let them know what you are doing, but not in such a
way that could be construed as "asking permission." As for "could
they sue?" -- Well, yes, anyone can sue if they want to, whether
there is a legal basis or not. It would be unlikely, however.
More probably, if they are really hardnosed, they might send you a
letter from their lawyer saying that you shouldn't do this -- and
the best response is to simply hire a lawyer for the purpose of
answering that letter legally, spelling out your rights etc. But
it is unlikely to come to that. The key to remember is that if you
don't transfer rights in writing, you own them.
Can I resell the original version of an article that was changed by
the editor, even though I sold all rights?
Q: I recently wrote a piece for another magazine and sold all
rights. The piece underwent drastic editing and the story that was
published under my byline bore little resemblance to my original
work. Can I legally sell the piece I wrote originally, since it's
nothing like the piece they ran? In general, how much revision is
necessary if you're reselling an idea that you've already written
about? For example, can you use the same sources with different
A: Yes, you can use the same sources; you can even use the same
quotes. Basically, the idea is that the piece "looks" different
enough that one would think it is not the same article. Just
cutting often isn't enough; sometimes it's best to at least put a
somewhat different slant on the piece.
There's a difference here between "all rights" and "work for hire."
All rights simply means that you have relinquished the rights to
that piece, as it was written. However, you still retain the
copyright itself. When you sell a work-for-hire piece, you are
relinquishing your copyright as well -- and so you're in a little
more danger if you try to write a similar piece. If you write a
piece that is similar to one you sold for "all rights," the only
copyright you might be infringing is your own -- i.e., even if you
just went through and revised the article line-by-line, you'd only
be infringing yourself. But if you did the same thing with a
work-for-hire piece, you could be liable for infringing the
copyright of the company that you sold the material to, because
even though you wrote it, they own not just the article but the
copyright as well.
The issue of "how different is different enough" is very difficult
to resolve. Again, essentially, it's "would you think this is a
different article, on the same subject?" Or would the reader feel
that he has read it somewhere else, with just a little different
(For more thoughts on the "how different is different enough"
question, see my editorial of April 5, 2012 - "The 20% Solution,"
Copyright 2012 Moira Allen
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Are Writers About To Become Obsolete?
This is an interesting but also scary news item from Wired magazine
concerning a computer algorithm that is already being used to
generate news stories. For more on this story, visit:
British Book Seller Against Libraries Lending eBooks
This follows on in a very scary way from last issue's editorial by
Moira. Apparently the Managing Director of Waterstones, a large
chain of book stores in the UK, thinks that eBooks should not be
lent by libraries as this will damage the book-selling industry.
For more on this story visit:
Simon & Schuster Brings Back Pocket Star Books
Pocket Books was America's first mass paperback publisher and now
Simon & Schuster have brought back the imprint Pocket Star, but
this time as an eBook-only imprint. Pocket Star will continue to
feature bestselling and debut authors in popular genres including
women's fiction, romance, thrillers, urban fantasy, and mystery.
For more on this story visit:
how to negotiate agreements, choose pricing strategies, define
tasks, deal with difficult customers, and much more in the award-
winning "What to Charge: Pricing Strategies for Freelancers and
Consultants" (2nd Edition) by Laurie Lewis. In print and Kindle
from Amazon at
Writing Jobs and Opportunities
Reporter, Staff Writer and Bloggers Needed at
The Consumer Media Networks is currently seeking an experienced
freelancer for the role of full-time reporter, another for the role
of staff writer and also bloggers for the categories of education,
home improvement, insurance and car maintenance.
To find out further information about these positions and to apply
YA Science Fiction Wanted
Underwords is now accepting submissions for our next project,
Futuredaze: An Anthology of YA Science Fiction, a science fiction
anthology for teens, young adults, and the young at heart. We're
looking for fiction and poetry that sparks the imagination, twists
the heart, and makes us yearn for the possibilities of a world yet
to come. At a time when every other YA book features vampires,
werewolves or other fantastical creatures, Futuredaze will be an
anthology for the next generation of science fiction readers.
We're looking for hard science fiction, soft science fiction, and
everything in between. Think Jules Verne, Isaac Asimov, George
Orwell or Ray Bradbury with a YA focus. While we adore fantasy,
Futuredaze is not the right anthology for fiction or poetry based
in worlds where magic or the supernatural are the driving forces.
For more information visit:
Enroll FREE in a 14-part 'mini course' in short-story writing
success. This highly acclaimed Writers' Village 'Master Class'
shows you how to get published - profitably - and win cash prizes
in fiction contests. Discover how to open a chapter with 'wow'
impact, add new energy to a scene, build a character in moments,
sustain page-turning suspense even through long passages of
exposition... plus 97 additional powerful ideas you can use at
once. Enjoy the course without charge now at:
Need interviews or your book reviewed by national media, but
horrified by expensive publicists? Read our important letter
FEATURE: 7 Reasons Today's Writers Should Blog to Build Their
Platforms and Their Bottom Lines!
By Jennifer Brown Banks
Once upon a time in a far-away land, writers who were skilled with
penning their thoughts and crafting clever story ideas could write
their own tickets.
Being "good" was simply good enough.
'Dem days are gone. Fast forward. A tough economy and the relative
ease of making money online has changed the game. The talent pool
is larger. The bar is higher. The industry has changed.
I was faced with this sobering reality back in 2006, when an editor
with whom I had worked for quite some time as a columnist suggested
that I write a self-help relationship book. So I eagerly put
together a few chapters, mailed it off, and envisioned my guest
appearance on Oprah. Much to my surprise, when I submitted it to a
New York agent for potential representation, she wrote back, "You
have obvious talent as a writer, but not a big enough platform."
Back in my day "platforms" were sexy shoes that added height to our
stature and jiggle to our strut. Hello? I had been writing for over
a decade, had made thousands of dollars, and had no real concept of
why I needed a platform and how to get one.
Enter blogging...
Before I share with you WHY blogging is important to building a
platform, let's define platform as it relates to the publishing
A "platform" refers to an author's following and fan base. Ideally
it should include more than your mom and members at church.
Publishers and agents use it as a basis for determining your reach,
and for potential book sales.
For example, it could include people who are members of your
writers' groups, your college sorority, folks on your job,
subscribers to your newsletter, or blog followers.
Here's how Blogging can help to elevate your platform and your
bottom line!
1. It increases your visibility. Websites are static; blogs are
not. Their very nature and constant updates means that Google will
pick your blog up through "crawlers" and reflect them higher up in
search engine listings. The easier you are to find, the more
potential eyes to view your work. Additionally, blog posts are
often Tweeted and shared through popular social media sites. Here's
a case in point. I have been writing professionally for more than a
Comparatively, I have been blogging "seriously" for a little under
three years. Google lists my blog posts first, above all my former
publishing credits.
2. It helps to hone your voice. Unlike other genres of writing,
blogging has few rules and restrictions. As such, writers can speak
in a conversational tone, court controversy, experiment with
different forms of expression, try their hand at humor, and
discover what works best for their style, preference and
personality. Blogging also allows you to address a multitude of
topics, which can build your portfolio and your knowledge base.
3. It makes you more versatile as a writer. Search any of the
current job boards for writers, and blog jobs are abundant.
Regardless of your genre of specialization, having blogging skills
simply makes you more marketable to editors, potential clients, and
publishers. (Think along the lines of the value of speaking
multiple languages.) Since my career in blogging started, I have
blogged for businesses, dating sites, and online magazines. And you
can too.
4. It creates more networking opportunities through guest posting.
Guest posting is when a blogger writes a piece for another blog
site, upon approval. Oftentimes this fosters working partnerships,
mutual admiration, and future collaborative projects with fellow
bloggers. It promotes good karma to boot.
5. It requires less research and typically takes less time than
other genres. As they say, "Time is money." Usually blog posts run
from 300-800 words, which means that good writers can construct
posts relatively quickly, and work on more projects in a shorter
span of time, increasing overall efficiency. Consider too that it
can help to prevent burnout.
6. It can be more profitable than article-writing. Experience can
vary. But depending upon the client, the nature of the project, and
your blogging skills, pay can be around a hundred bucks for a
500-700 word post.
7. Blogging helps to develop a "thick skin". If you have
difficulty with dealing with editors' rejections, blogging can help
you to handle criticism and feedback better in your professional
career. The interactive nature of blogging allows readers to
express their views right on the spot, in the form of comments.
Sometimes audience members can be like "hecklers" are with
comedians. Comments can be cruel and unfair. But, it comes with the
territory, and calls for the savvy blogger to "take the high road"
and not personalize things.
Here are a few Do's and Don'ts to go the distance:
1. Recognize that success as a writer today requires more than
facility with words; it's about being strategic and smart. As such,
do consider the many benefits blogging has to offer, and strive to
add value to the blogging community.
2. Don't mistakenly believe that because blogging is considered
informal writing, you should take a less than serious approach, or
that your writing can be inferior in quality. Blogging can make or
break your online image.
3. Study the habits and techniques of successful bloggers in your
niche. What's their appeal? Their style? Their advice? Assess then
4. Don't be discouraged if your blogging doesn't take off right
away. It took me three attempts and several years before I got it
right. "If at first you don't succeed..."
5. Newbies will find blogging platforms like and
Wordpress to be easy to follow, with attractive designs and
templates. Tutorials can be found online to master the learning
Blogging has become the new black. Even real estate tycoon, Donald
Trump has his own "virtual spot." Don't miss out on the opportunity
to make the most of your writing career. Blog your way to a bigger
platform and bigger paydays with these timely tips.
Jennifer Brown Banks is a veteran freelance writer, Pro blogger,
and relationship columnist. Her guest posts and articles have
appeared at award-winning sites such as: Pro Blogger, Daily Blog
Tips, Technorati, Funds for Writers, and Men With Pens. She is also
a Ghost Writer, providing web content and blog posts for busy
professionals. Visit her site at
Copyright 2012 Jennifer Brown Banks
For more advice on blogging check out:
An epublishing revolution is sweeping the industry. We explain what
is happening and show you how to self-publish your own eBooks.
SERIOUS ABOUT WRITING? Join the National Association of Independent
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All the World's our Page
This is a fascinating blog on novel-writing written by five
different authors from very different genres and from different
parts of the world. This site is packed full of some useful advice
and is well worth a visit.
Write Crime Fiction
This is a very useful blog on crime-writing and crime fiction by
David J Montgomery, which features interviews with crime writers as
well as general writing tips.
Andy Maslen Copywriting Training
If you're new to the world of copywriting, or just want to improve
your skills, check out this amazing resource rich site for
"Writing to Win: The Colossal Guide to Writing Contests" is now
available. This is the largest, most comprehensive guide to
writing competitions available in print (and Kindle). The 2012
edition features over 1600 contest listings for writers worldwide -
including over 450 listings new to this edition. No matter where
you live or what you write, you'll find a competition that's right
for you! The guide is updated with the latest deadlines, entry
fees and prizes. Get it now at
or visit to order the Kindle edition.
NOTE TO KINDLE USERS: I just got my Kindle Fire and found that
there seemed to be format issues with the Kindle version of
"Writing to Win" that appeared only on the Fire. I have just
reformatted the book; if you have already purchased it, the
revised version should upload automatically in the next few days.
This section lists contests that charge no entry fees. Unless
otherwise indicated, competitions are open to all adult writers.
For a guide to nearly 1600 writing contests throughout the
world, see Moira Allen's book, "Writing to Win: The Colossal
Guide to Writing Contests"
DEADLINE: July 1, 2012
GENRE: Nonfiction
DETAILS: This contest offers stipend and one-month residency at
Blue Mountain Center in the Adirondacks for a promising new
journalist or essayist whose work combines warmth, humor, wisdom
and concern with social justice. Submit at least two articles
PRIZES: $5000 stipend
DEADLINE: July 2, 2012
GENRE: Nonfiction
OPEN TO: Australian writers with a nonfiction work-in-progress.
DETAILS: Submit CV, publishing credits and at least 5000 words of
the work in progress.
PRIZES: Aus $15,000 and one-month residency at the Australian
Centre. The residency includes access to office space and
facilities, but does not include accommodation.
DEADLINE: July 15, 2012
GENRE: Books
OPEN TO: US novelists who have had their first novel published in
the previous 12 months.
DETAILS: Submit three copies of the book
PRIZE: $500
DEADLINE: July 23, 2012
GENRE: Poetry
OPEN TO: Poets whose work has been published in Great Britain or
Ireland in the previous calendar year.
DETAILS: Submit published poetry book of at least 40 pages in
PRIZE: £1000
DEADLINE: July 24, 2012
GENRE: Short Stories
OPEN To: Children aged between 11 and 19 years.
DETAILS: 3000 word max short story on an international theme.
PRIZES: £2,500 and publication
DEADLINE: July 31, 2012
GENRE: Non Fiction
OPEN TO: New Zealand citizens and permanent residents.
DETAILS: One essay, maximum 6,000 words on any theme.
PRIZES: NZ$3,000
AUTHOR'S BOOKSHELF: Books by Our Readers
A Boy Loves a Man 1: Gypsy Heir to the Throne, by Aad Aandacht
Chalk Dustings, by Gloria MacKay
Creating Blockbusters! How to Generate and Market Hit Entertainment
for TV, Movies, Video Games, and Books, by Gene Del Vecchio
I Have Proof of a Higher Power, by Ioan Dirina
Find these and more great books at
Have you just had a book published? If so, let our readers know:
just click on the link below to list your book.
on how to reach more than 100,000 writers a month with your
product, service or book title, visit
Writing World is a publication of
Editor and Publisher: MOIRA ALLEN (
Newsletter Editor: DAWN COPEMAN (
Copyright 2012 Moira Allen
Sutton House, Meads Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex
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