This is a blog to explain in a legal and historical context the life and alleged crimes of Erzebet Bathory. We hope to be fair and enlightening to our readers. We welcome comments, but remain family friendly.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
some comments
The site has an art gallery and store and is very comprehensive. He is the composer of an opera bout her, and a distant relative as well. Actually, she has many relatives who write about her, including Andre Codrescu who wrote the novel, The Blood Countess. Most of the sensationalism and gore surrounding Erzebet seems to have started around 1765. Most modern sources claim she was never convicted herself of anything, and that as a reult of her imprisonment, the debt King Mathias owed her husband was forgiven. The comments below are very interesting, too:
From Countess Elizabeth Bathory:
"If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance."
So spoke George Bernard Shaw. But in the case of Elizabeth Bathory, one can't help feeling that his words would have been of small comfort to the next of kin. So vile were the Countess's crimes that her relatives must have feared that the family name would be eternally blackened. Indeed, it's said that after her death it was forbidden to mention the Countess's name in Hungarian society. But even if that were so, there was little the family could do to prevent her ghost from leaping into a dance macabre of preposterous proportions.
Pretty much every slander imaginable has been thrown at 'The Blood Countess'. The milder accusations are that she engaged in abduction, torture, witchcraft and sexual perversion. The harsher ones claim that she mutilated young girls and bathed in their blood (apparently believing that it would preserve her beauty). They're not the kinds of things that you'd want to read over the breakfast table. Conservative estimates suggest that Bathory was responsible for the deaths of fifty girls, although some witnesses claimed that her victims ran into the hundreds. Several accomplices were involved, including one of the most unpleasant dwarves to have emerged from the pages of history, a highly unsavoury character named Ficko.
Above: The ruins of Castle Cachtice in northern Slovakia. It was here that Bathory committed many of her crimes, and where she was eventually arrested on December 29th, 1610
Unsurprisingly, the basics of the Bathory tale have provided plenty of fodder for chroniclers and balladeers. The bloody Bathory myth has had several centuries to snowball as it rolled down the Slovakian slopes into the Western imagination. Indeed, it's perhaps only those not so charming chaps Ivan the Terrible and Vlad the Impaler who can rival the Countess in the East European villain stakes. A favourite of the Hammer House of Horror, Bathory has inspired dozens of movies of dubious merit, and in 2007, two more producers threw their hats into the ring. In light of all this gothic embroidery, the job of separating fact from fiction is a fairly hefty one.
The Life of Elizabeth Bathory
Elizabeth Bathory (Erzebet Bathory) was born in August 1560 into one of the grandest Hungarian families. Owing to defeat at the hands of the Turks forty years earlier, Hungary had been absorbed into the Ottoman and Habsburg Empires. Nevertheless, Hungarian Transylvania clung on to independence, and one branch of the Bathorys managed to secure the throne of that land. Later, in 1572, Stefan Bathory was elected King of Poland.
Elizabeth Bathory was technically a subject of the Habsburg crown. Her family lands, dotted across today's Slovakia, were part of the 'Kingdom of Hungary' that was absorbed by the Habsburgs in 1536. That said, families of her stature could pretty much do as they wished provided that they were not overtly disloyal to the crown. This partly explains why the authorities were so slow to investigate Bathory's crimes.
The young Countess was educated to be conversant in many languages. However, childhood was not a drawn out affair. Bathory was married off young, as was the custom, to a nobleman named Ferenc Nadasdy. Her main home then became Cachtice Castle, about 100 kilometres northeast of Bratislava. She was 15 at the time. Three years later Bathory's husband was proclaimed Chief Commander of the Hungarian troops, and he had to spend much of his time campaigning against the Turk. This gave the Countess a free rein - effectively she was answerable to no one for miles around.
Can anything vaguely normal be said about 'the Blood Countess' before the catalogue of criminality is rolled out? Well, she did manage to give birth to a son, Paul, and three daughters, who as far as we know, were not deranged serial killers. And letters reveal that she used her power to intervene on behalf of Hungarian war widows who had fallen into dire straits. However, it's unlikely that St. Peter would consider such acts redeeming in the light of the charges laid against her.
Witnesses testified that Bathory's favourite ruse was letting it be known that work was on offer. For miles around, most of the village dwellers were her own personal serfs with little in the way of rights. However, for a Slovakian peasant girl, the offer of work at a castle was nothing to be sniffed at. The Countess had properties dotted about Hungary and Austria, and she often travelled to Vienna and elsewhere. It was similar to entering service in a princess's court. (However, court witnesses later revealed that Bathory killed women just about anywhere and everywhere, regardless of where she was headed).
Historians claim that the Countess got embroiled with a host of sinister characters. The kinds of women that might have been burnt as witches by other nobles were especially sought after by Bathory. It has been suggested that the Countess had a relationship with one of these witches, a woman by the name of Darvula, who is said to have helped commit the crimes.
Official complaints started to come in in 1602 when the Lutheran priest Istvan Magyari lodged papers in Vienna. Two years later the Countess's husband died while away on campaign - reports vary as to whether he fell in battle, was assassinated or died from a disease picked up from a prostitute. Whatever it was, the complaints continued grow against Elizabeth Bathory in the following years.
After about eight years of turning a blind eye, an investigation was launched. This followed much toing and froing between Bathory's extended family, who were desperate to avoid being tarnished by such a twisted brush. It seems that the decisive factor was that well-born girls had begun to fall victim to the Countess. Bathory had set up a sort of finishing school for the daughters of the lesser gentry, teaching them courtly etiquette. When well-born ladies started to go amiss, time was up for Bathory.
On December 29th 1610, Count Gyorgy Thurzo burst into Cachtice Castle following an order to investigate from King Mathias himself. Two slain women were tracked down and several more were relieved, gaining what was a belated, but no doubt the best Christmas present they'd ever had. Bathory herself was arrested, along with several accomplices.
Trial and Demise
Porque la condesa bathory no llega a Buenos Aires Argentina.
su historia, su cultura y el pais en que vivia
reviewed by Jawuar from Argentina on Apr.02.2012
I wrote a paper on Elizabeth bathory in high school and from the info I got from books and the internet she supposedly had a kid with a peasant before she was married at 15 and her family gave the baby up for adoption because the babys dad and also they kept it a secret because she was engaged at the time, but then again this was like 400 or 500 years ago so who really knows the truth, but it is an interesting story!
reviewed by lacey from United States on Mar.27.2012
Is is a real story. There is countless evidance that sshe murdered 650 young women in order to improve her complexion. She save really pretty girls to drink their blod and died while on house arrest. If you don't believe look up her biography. She created countless torture devices too!
reviewed by Victoria from United Kingdom on Feb.22.2012
I think that this story is amazing. Its interesting and it pulls you in cause you want more. I think it lacks some info.. but the person who typed this did a good job. Im no professor just a high school student, but i might do one of my speeches on this subject of matter.
reviewed by Kimberly T. from United States on Dec.21.2011
I like the "outline" of her life, but it is very basic. But history is very basic. We cant prove a thing. We did not live her life. My god she was 15 when she was forced to be an adult. And true, "she Is a witch" That has been played and played, until... Im sorry I dozed off. women were cattle, men were Gods. Land was everything, and money can make very good wittneses
reviewed by Tammy from United States on Dec.12.2011
I think the story lacks evidence I need more proof in order to believe it
My opinion is its just a scary story to scare kids
reviewed by Donovan Blair from United States on Dec.05.2011
It is refreshing to see this essay. For hundreds of years, gullible sheep have swallowed the story whole. What it reminds me of most is the allegations of witchcraft during the same period: thousands of women--and men--were tortured, "confessed," had wild stories told about them, and were burned alive by governments. Today we don't believe in witchcraft--so we know those were all lies. Why do we not suspect this about the Countess Bathory incident?
The real story may have been that this widowed do-gooder took in and protected too many female victims of assault, rape, and attempted murder, the king owed her too much money, and she knew the secrets of too many aristocrats.
It is significant that the rumors and the accusations didn't start until AFTER she was widowed.
What if she WAS innocent? Then the accusations, the tortures and deaths of her friends, and her own brutal imprisonment were a tragedy of unspeakable proportions.
Shame on the mobs who continue to this day to believe everything which they are spoonfed.
reviewed by Chaya from United States on Nov.01.2011
Scary to see some of the reactions here . Discomforting that most of u are getting off on the idea being related to a psycho .Actually I think its sad and kind a gives ur level of intelligence away doesn't it ? (Just wondering seeing a lot of u are turning her in to a heroine ) I find her most interresting too for various reasons but lets not forget what she is . Might as wel put every other murderer on a pedestal too . this is ridiculous .
reviewed by Colet A from Belgium on Oct.19.2011
One last thing Erzebet Bathory was never convicted of anything. Mathais was attempting to have her tried for 80 murders. Thurzo, her son Paul, and son in law prevented it, had herplaced her first under house arrest then eventually was walled up in her home at Csejthe. Though she was stripped of her title, Thurzo who was her cousin, Paul, and Nicklos managed to retain the Bathory fortune.
As part of the bargain, Mathais debt was relieved.
reviewed by Dani from United States on Oct.07.2011
I recommend everyone expand their resources beyond Wikipedia. It is sad that all the info isn't in one place
Bathory and her accomplices murdered hundreds between 1585 - 1610.
Nobility at the time could get away with murder. As long as the victims "didn't count." This includes a multitude of abuses toward servants which were a common practice at the time.
King Mathias II owed Nadasdy a lot of money in both loans & wages. Money he could not pay back. Even after Ferencz death the debt ought to have been paid to Elizabeth. This made Magyari's complaints "convenient."
Note to the author: keep investigating and expand the biography please!
reviewed by Dani from United States on Oct.07.2011
All information gathered against the Countess was gathered under torture.
The King owed her family money.
The Catholics were trying to get rid of the Protestants (bathory's were protestants)
You didn't do very much research, you just regurgitated the info that everyone else can find on their own.
How about you actually do some real research... you told one side of the story which is 400 years old....
reviewed by Amber from United States on Aug.31.2011
Great article...very informative and non-biased. However, though her crimes were real and backed up by over 300 witnesses the one question most in doubt is her "blood baths" and whether they occured or not. Court testimony proves that though a bath of blood did not occur, she did sit on a stool beneath a cage lined with spikes and holding a nude girl while shouting obsceneties and enjoying a "blood shower". Since such atrocities were considered witchcraft it was covered up by her family to lessen the severity of the sentence. As it was, she was convicted of "inhuman cruelty" instead of being burned at the stake as was her accomplises. I also cannot see the point of her Ladyship switching to the lesser nobility unless it was to "bathe" in blue blood, as the "poor" blood had not done anything to slow her aging.
reviewed by dieblutegraf from United States on Jul.17.2011
It's funny how so many people seemed to be related to Elizabeth in the comment section! Astonishing really.
I'm doing an essay on Elizabeth at the moment, proving that Elizabeth is a true villain in our history though I do have some compassion for the woman.
Also, some people below mentioned that Elizabeth never bore any children.. Elizabeth firstly had a child to a peasant man which was given away when Elizabeth was 14 years old. With her husband, she had five children though two of them died early and only the three (two daughters and a son) were recorded throughout history.
Great article!
reviewed by Celeste from Australia on Jun.05.2011
Just watched the Bathory movie, with Anna Friel. It made her out to be the unfortunate victim of greed and that she was framed for the murders. The movie didn't even end with her being imprisoned. Personally I felt a bit cheated. The true story is probably somewhere in between the two extremes. There was definitely good reason for Gyorgy Furzo (and the King)to take possession of her lands and have their debts forgiven. Sadly we will never know the true story, which will remain a fascination of history.
reviewed by Steve from Australia on May.09.2011
i really dnt see one women doing that. she could of but wheres the proof? exactly! and just because she was friends with a women doesnt mean there was a relationship!really? i think she was set up by someone or she knew who the real murderer was and didnt say!alas we will never know!....
reviewed by sarah from United States on Apr.23.2011
i think that people need to stop fighting over it because no one nows what is true because it was long ago everyone is just wasting there time fighting over it no one will ever now what really happened unless some one invents time travel
reviewed by sam from Canada on Apr.20.2011
I'm doing this topic for a research paper and after reading about twenty website papges with about the same information about the crimes Elizabeth Bathory supposedly committed, I'm having trouble finding information about the possibility of Bathory being innocent. The information provided here is great, but it is one-sided and the other side is what I would like to have. So far I've found only two websites that mention that she is innocent (one being a brief sentence in wikipedia and the other being an unreliable source that talks about how the information about Bathory's alleged crimes were coming from biased sources). I would like to know about the possibility that Bathory was convicted of the crimes because of her religion, or politics, or was she at the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught up with a conspiracy. I personally do not have an opinion if she is guilty or innocent, but I would like there to be more information that tells both sides of the story so readers can decide and students, like me, can use the information given to write a research paper. If anybody knows of such a website with the information I need please direct me to it.
Another note: this page could have so much more information about the side of the story it does tell. It could mention the various ways the victimns were tortured in more detail, it could mention that the testimonies given about Bathory were received under methods of torture and could be exaggerated, it could talk a little more about the various possibilities of what the actual number of victimns were, and etc. This website is like a summary compared to everything else I've read. It's still a reliable resource in my opinion.
reviewed by Sierra from United States on Mar.14.2011
Wow! interesting i must say, but after reading these comments, it seems like half the world are related to Elizabeth Bathory, and how do you know if your related to her or not
reviewed by Lauryn from United States on Mar.11.2011
Amazing story but not enough evidence to say guilty or inoccent. How can you love or hate someone you know nothing about? People need to stop idolizing a story.
reviewed by Vivian from United States on Mar.07.2011
Excuse me bj moore, bathory barred 3 children with her husband. One son, and two daughters. Her son wrote a letter to the courts begging for her pardon and that letter to this day is held in the hungary historical society
reviewed by Frantz from United States on Jan.10.2011
I don't think anyone really knows the truth except Elizabeth and God. But I'm sure I'm related to her also. Probably a great, great, great, great, cousin or something.
reviewed by sandy C from United States on Dec.31.2010
I love everything bout elizabeth bathory. she was a sick person but awesome 2 learn bout. i saw dis movie "stay alive" and it had elizabeth bathory
reviewed by Rachael from United States on Oct.29.2010
Lizzie B. is one crazed fruit loop and I pray that God has mercy on her soul. This woman has serious metal health issues. A lesson to be learned from the countess, you cant change what is eventually going to happen. We all gotta go.
reviewed by Nya from Japan on Oct.27.2010
Interesting for anyone to claim "heir" to a woman who had no children! [#8 especially]Having a child would have ruined her figure and beauty. Perhaps you missed the part where she MURDERED young women for their blood. Would in the name of stupid, do you think she would do with an infant!
How very, very sad to think that an inbred, sadistic woman [or man for that matter] is in anyway a Heroine/hero.
Grow-up, get an education and stop watching Jerry Springer!
Thanks goodness Canadians' never lower themselves to this level of mud wallowing.
reviewed by B.J. Moore from Canada on Oct.25.2010
First of all, all the American comments claiming to be the descendant of Erzsébet Báthory should prove their claims or stop lying. I can prove that one of my best friends is a TRUE DIRECT descendant of the Countess through DNA matches. Erzsébet Báthory was not a murderess, the trial was not legal and the evidence was primarily rumours and hearsay cooked up to give Thurzo a reason/justification to gain the Countess' lands and wealth. She was simply the victim of greed and power amongst the nobility of the region. Also the Habsburgs wanted a Catholic Habsburg bastion against the Ottoman Turks and Erzsébet Báthory, being a woman and a Protestant, proved to be an obstacle needing removing, so the charges of witchcraft and bathing in blood were created to this end. Thanks to her accusors, Countess Erzsébet Báthory has become eternally linked to vampires and murder. I feel nothing but pity and sorrow that she was treated harshly and ostracised. My friend's family is proud of her ability to look after the lands she controlled and are angry at those who wish to get attention by leeching onto the lady, who in my eyes, was more important to Hungary than the Habsburgs because she proved that being a woman did not mean that she couldn't do a man's job. Rest in peace Erzsébet Báthory. For those of you who are going to call me sick for supporting Erzsébet Báthory, why don't you look through the lies and the smoke and see the truth about her. It will really make you see the real Erzsébet Báthory and her true legacy.
reviewed by Dominic from United Kingdom on Sep.24.2010
Is it just me, or has it struck everyone else that pretty much everyone fascinated with this woman has major spelling and grammatical challenges? I wonder if the facts are by any chance related?
reviewed by Liam from United States on Sep.16.2010
Looking at both sides of the coin, i think that the countess was stitch up by the king. May god bless her, and he rot in hell. Love you lots Liz.X
reviewed by Garry Sanders from United Kingdom on Aug.20.2010
I think All your accusation to Elizabeth Bathory is not true.she's a good mother to her child...she's fashionate,she loves nature and she loves GOD....she's a good person....for me Elizabeth beeng a single mother ,,she cant do nomore power and influense outside her castle.for me they forced Elizabeth to bring her down and destroy.For me ...I think all the evidence is fake and manipulated.and for me i think the one who manipulated is also in the higher possision of there goverment in that time.all the witness they killed sentense to death."dead man can't sing a story"so they sentence to death....dont just look to the cover of the book then shoot.much better find out what is real and the true consiquence...Elizabeth Bathory is a good person ,shes a good mother and shes a good leader of her people...and the last she love good.she has a fear in GOD so she cant do all the accusation to her.Now all of you think now !
reviewed by Richard IV from United Kingdom on Aug.01.2010
what she did was horribly wrong. but weirdly i have to forgive her cause she is family.
reviewed by Jesse S. from United States on Jul.27.2010
i cant believe some of the comments on this page. i think most of you live in a fantasy world it seems half of america think they are related to this woman, not something i would be proud of.
reviewed by karen from United Kingdom on Jun.14.2010
I'm glad that Elizabeth Bathory is NOT alive today.
reviewed by Alicia from United States on May.11.2010
Those without sin, cast the first stone! This woman had a reason for her actions and in that day and time it was normal. Just to let you know that ancestors of this woman moved to the United States and went by the name Bathrow and later Ponthieux. Stop your cruel remarks cause you know nothing of this woman. She was not a christian but a Spiritual woman. She was also passionate and she is to this day respected by her family. May she rest in peace!
reviewed by RJ from United States on Apr.16.2010
she is my great great great great aunt
reviewed by Elizabeth from United States on Apr.12.2010
Lizzie B is amazing only 2nd to Vlad. her only fault was that she killed women instead of men
reviewed by Kay from United Kingdom on Apr.05.2010
wow it's just gross isn't it
reviewed by jyaureissah from United States on Mar.20.2010
my point is im fascinated with her and how she could do such a thing my mothers side of my family is from bratislava and thought since i look like her and was born the same day she died that im her reincarnation but im not worried about it i just stare into her pictures an think what luck i have that im not like here
reviewed by amanda from United States on Mar.10.2010
I admit that the story is fascinating , however knowing that this is true makes Elizabeth of Bathory a sick and disgusting woman as well as all her disciples. Katarina and Elizabeth should have been tortured as they did their victims.
reviewed by Nik & Tam from Trinidad and Tobago on Jan.26.2010
My point goes firstly to the film maker herself, Julie who did a great artistic introspective, enough satisfied to the historical side of a story, a deep connaissance of a personality of nobless and aristocracy.
Secondly I would like to declare that some of the comments above (from Argentina, par exp.) strongly expresses human's stupidity of unconcious and incapacity of a perspective that needs a deep view.
Thirdly my feelings and intuitive side tells that the countess was a victim of people's jelousy, lies, possessions, hunger, etc. She WAS a real nobel, an intelligence and its incarnation, a beautiful woman and she BECAME an example of a cruelity which is easily recognized by the chain of her life events. I think the view could not be eaily seen, but understood. We still, thanks God, have good films that needs an intellectual perception and not just "coke-and-a popcorn-visitors"...
Thanks, Julie.
reviewed by Simonetta from Zimbabwe on Jan.07.2010
There is still so much to know before taking a side. Elizabeth Bathory has been dead for many years and the story behind what truly happened was most likely altered through time into great great scary stories to tell around the camp fire. If This is what she and her servants did to these girls than yes she has done horrible things but I have read many stories where normal everyday people have done worse crimes for example John Wayne Gacy, Jr was a serial killer in the 1900s who had two lives one was a great business man and loving father and the other was a deranged man who kiddnaped 30 year old men, drugged them, rapped them,killed them, and then cut them up and hid them under his floor boards and nobody even knows his name. So before we can start saying look this girlwho we cant acturly prove killed up to 50 people and the rumers that were spread up to 600 or more people and say your evil burn in hell if we cant even look at the killers today and remember there their names after watching the daily news channel. Its just plain stuipidy
reviewed by ona from United States on Dec.14.2009
Ok people, lets all keep in mind that this happened close to 400 years ago.. The facts and what really happened have been tainted with time and cruel people.. I agree, she probably did do some grizzly things, but back than where she was from, this was normal. I believe that it was purely political and they wanted her enormous wealth and lands...
reviewed by ELISE from United States on Nov.04.2009
Elizabeth Bathory is for me, an enigma. I can argue all of the evidence both ways... towards her guild or toward her innocence.
On the one hand, the testimony from the servants is useless in its entirety. They were tortured beyond the standards even of sixteenth century Europe to obtain confessions. Many of the things in their confessions are ridiculous by modern standards; satan apparently sat in her lap, she had the power to call 99 cats to defend her against all comers, etc ad nauseum. The reports of the people who arrested her are conflictory; on the one hand some of them claim there was nothing unusual at the castle. On the other hand, there were reports (from the same group of people) that there were multiple young girls in various and sundry states of torture and decomposition. It is hard to say which is true. The "bathing in blood" thing is absolutely unbelievable, given the amount of blood it would require to fill a bath tub and the fact that it was never even mentioned until a hundred years after the fact.
Some of the charges against her seem almost consistent with her innocence. It has been suggested that she had actually tried to help several young girls who were afflicted by various diseases and illnesses. The part about freezing them in the winter might well be consistent with tactics then used to reduce fever. Bathory was also accused of "engaging in surgery", from the perspective of sadistic torture, yet it would be consistent with trying to deal with complications of some then prominent illness. Likewise, bloodletting was commonly practiced at that time in order to heal the sick. Each of these things might easily have been exaggerated by a zealous prosecutor, free to engage of torture of the witnesses, into something far more heinous than it actually was.
Bathory was a Protestant woman living in a Catholic Kingdom. She was owed a significant debt by the King. These factors make her the perfect victim of a lynching brought about for political purposes.
Red accounts of other witch trials and accusations and you will find that many innocent people faced horrible ordeals at the hands of the authorities, often brought about by political motivations far less important than hers.
I am not sure that the woman was truly innocent, but I am far from certain that she was guilty either. One of the great travesties in history is that we sometimes tend to blame victims of social injustice rather than learn the truth. In the case of Elizabeth bathory, we will never know for certain whether she was a victim or monster. However, the charges laid at her door are far enough outside the realm of normalcy that they should certainly be eyed with at least a modicum of skepticism.
reviewed by Bobo from United States on Oct.05.2009
I've been searching all over to find proof of a connection between Vlad Dracul and Elizabeth Bathory. People keep saying Stephen aided Vlad in regaining his throne. Well, she had a cousin Stephen, born in 1533, and Vlad died in 1476; her uncle, Stephen's father, was ALSO Stephen, and he was born in 1477, still not back far enough. So are we saying there are three generations of Stephens, all were lucky enough to become royalty, and Elizabeth's great great uncle aided Vlad Dracul in battle, or are we just trying desperately to fit two people who have similar interests together that lived a hundred years apart?
reviewed by Cory from United States on Aug.03.2009
Im related to Elizabeth Bathory
reviewed by Stebo from United States on Jul.16.2009
I am related to Elizabeth
The blood bathing may have worked
I do not age like others
and yes the rest of my family look young too..
reviewed by Roxy from Canada on Jun.10.2009
well i think she was cool kind of i men ive never heard of someone who has killed sooo many people for so long without geeting caught for so long she was good but i think the only way we will truly ever know the truth about her is to ask her ourselves
reviewed by sheania from United States on Jun.08.2009
well my opinion was she was brought up the way she is . ive read many bio's about the countess and her family was sick and twisted like her obviously when she was a child she whitnessed many things so this made her who shes was a sick twisted bitch
reviewed by anthony sanchez from United States on Apr.17.2009
I think Countess Elizabeth Bathory is not a crazy person she just wanted to look beautiful i guess she needed love and have somebody tell her she was beautiful. Afther her husband died she didnt had much of attention thats why. But i dnt blame her. But it was wrong killing over 600 women or girls, she would at least find something else that makes her skin smooth. But it was wrong choice of punishment for Elizabeth they would at least try to make everthing right. Not just lock her up in a tower, poor lady i wonder what she did inside of her room not even touching the food. And poor child had suffered for not having a mother or a father there to take care of him.
reviewed by Diana Luna from United States on Apr.15.2009
I honestly think that Countess Elizabeth is fasinating! she is so intriguing the way that her mind worked, i love it! She is honestly amazing to me, i mean wat she did was unforgivable, but than again, fasinating
reviewed by Samantha Ringer from United States on Apr.07.2009
What other "stories", or "Myths" are there that are as sick and ill as this story??
reviewed by drew from United States on Mar.07.2009
i can say that, elizabeth gives a vibrant turning point;in such a way, that this lady stretch away our perception of western nobility that is humane,educated,strict upholding and very meticulated point of view in self presentation,(for them,carry their own family name)into what! a very horrific,paranormalise,awful,unearthly tortured way that only a psychotic,having a obsession in blood or what we call psychological vampirism that can be rooted deeply in childhood years( maybe because in his childhood years, thre family was in a battle againts turks, that makes her EXPOSED in blood as a sign of victory and reverence),in bloodline sickness(malajustment that can be past genetically.. but in our own imagination of superb human or elemental realms with or without any identical facts, this story give us chill and tickles our mind.importantly, this gives us idea that there is possibility in our world that no one can give a relevant answer in order to give clariffication in the centerde issue.
reviewed by albus from United Kingdom on Feb.22.2009
I think she is interesting, Not interesting as in I want to marry her or any of the ridiculous stuff anyone else wants to do, but interesting in the fact that hearing about the stories of her burning the girls(down below) that she tortured with a candle flame or tearing chunks of the flesh from their faces off, and in one instance making one of her victims cook and devour a strip of the victim's own flesh, it just really makes you think what was she thinking what was going on in her head. On other occasions servants handled her dirty work, while Erzsebet yelled "More, More Still, harder still", until she was overwhelmed with excitement, and fainted into unconsciousness on the floor,It seems as if she got some kind of orgasmic pleasure out of seeing people Writh in pain, To me What went on in this women's mind is enough to write million's of books. Although I DO NOT think it is wise to have her as an idol, The people who seem to worship her just want attention, in a way that attention should not be sought, get a life seriously
reviewed by Sarah from United States on Jan.31.2009
Its been proven through many historical documents and family documentation that Elizabeth did kill many of the servant girls working for her.Through the years historians believe that she herself was from a young age to be very transfixed by blood and vanity.There was an early account of her as a child killing her families pets as a form of amusement.Her family records prove it.
reviewed by Elle from United States on Jan.11.2009
the human body contains six quarts of blood.which totals about 1.5 fluid would take several people completely drained to fill a bath tub of those days. Research my friend Research.
reviewed by richard from United States on Jan.11.2009
the human body contains approx six quarts of blood.which totals 1.5 fluid would take the blood of several people,completely drained,to fill a tub of those days. there is no evedence to support the claim as well. no mention in the documents from the only started to be gossiped about after her death.
reviewed by richard from United Kingdom on Jan.11.2009
sorry but some of you people need to do some research. yes,she may have been behind the killings of some of her servants but 600+? and its NOT true she bathed in blood. there is NO prove. its a nice legend for horror fans but not true. she did get blood on her self during the torture of her servents (in those days if a servant was lazy or that servant stole the punishment was severe,even if thay died) but a bath would take 30 or more persons blood to fill and by then it would be conjilled. maybe a cup in her bath water we will never know. just please see through the lies and think for yourselfs (after a lot of reseach). the hungarian king owed her husband a lot of money. and when he died she insisted he give it back. he did not have it to give. it would have been an embarrisment to the country. (think the ueen oweing david beckham money!) so how better to get rid of the debt than to blow things out of context? yes she did kill some servants during punishments but so did a lot of nobles in eastern europe. but 600+? bath in there blood? no. she did not.
reviewed by RiChArD from United Kingdom on Jan.02.2009
oh my god you people really think that she's back and she's in america...?! i think she died and she will never come back and if she would she would be in hungary coz this is her country and you americans want to take her from here how envy you are i cant believe it. it makes me nervous...
reviewed by vir·g from Hungary on Dec.25.2008
I Love This Story! Elizabeth was an amazing woman. even though she was messed up in the head.
reviewed by ville from United States on Dec.03.2008
I think she was a messed up girl with serious problems mentally. I guess people then didnt have mirrors because she was ugly.LOL.
reviewed by gabriella from United States on Dec.02.2008
I Absolutly love this story. Elizabeth Must Of Been Really Messed Up To Do what She Did. As Soon As I Saw The Movie Stay Alive And Heard About Elizabeth I Wanted To Reserch Her And I Did.My Question Would Be Why On Eath Would She Think That Young Girls Blood Made Her Look Younger??
reviewed by Jenn from Canada on Nov.19.2008
I love the story about ELIZABETH BATHORY. Is it true that she is in America or THATS ONLY A STORY?? Bcuz I've seen the MOVIE "Stay Alive". I dont know if she's in America. I wish I have a time machine and I could go to her Time so that I can see what her face is.. if she is beautiful or not and to know why she killed those innocent young and virgin woman and the girls.
reviewed by Jessa Angela from Philippines on Nov.01.2008
As many have told and heard the tale of Erzebet Bathory I have many reasons to believe her to have been a bloody ruler who used fear to her advantage, so she thought but we never will really know. I like to think she had a kinder side though for my families sake.
reviewed by Zachary T Millar from United States on Oct.30.2008
the blood countess did what she did because she wanted to b beautiful forever and when she felt the blood of he virgin maid on her skin, her skin felt soft so she started to abduct virgin girls and bleed them dry while they were alive that is y Elizabeth did what she did
reviewed by Artyom (Artem) from Canada on Oct.25.2008
This lady is freaky why would she do something to these poor innocent young girls and women.I think she is psycho, i am a virgin an if someone killed me just because i am they are sick and i hope they go to hell forever.
reviewed by Rebecca Collins from United States on Oct.21.2008
I think she was accused wrongly. Who knows maybe she had a really good reason for killing the girls. Idk. I love reading about Elizabeth. I find her story and her life catchy.
reviewed by Angela from United States on Oct.06.2008
I'm not sure why people keep going on about how she is 'crazy' and 'insane'. Of course she was, I assumed this much would be obvious, she was inbred... Instead of her body being deformed, her mind was more twisted than others... Personally I find her fascinating, she was an incredibly powerful woman. (And I believe there is laws about marrying someone centuries long dead. And she is obviously not back in America.)
reviewed by from Australia on Oct.04.2008
I have currently been researching the blood countess for a university project and have found some interesting books that contain official documents of the time. these argue her possible innocence and betrayal from Thurzo over politics and land. As you would know hungary was at war and times were pretty brutal
reviewed by person from Australia on Oct.02.2008
i can't belive this why would anyone do this. i have the movie and now looking in on this helps me better under stand it more. i just hope when peopel read this they know what it is. Because this is not a game of life... well not for them girl (i feel real bad now) im glad now i know and not later in life... RIGHT people all should know... well anyways i hope its all go over one day... just not know ...
reviewed by Cody from United States on Oct.01.2008
Elizabeth is crazy, I must admit. But she is a piece of work. There is many stories about her. And this is about the third one I have read today. They all have different point of views and what not, but this one is quite good. This is going to sound weird, but I would like to go back and she how she was and things she did, without her knowing I was there of course. This is a pretty interesting story.
reviewed by Aspen from United States on Sep.24.2008
I have researched Elizabeth Bathory and her cousin Gabor Bathory, as well as the rulers Vlad II and Vlad III who came before the former and on which the Dracula tales a heavily derived from. I am writing a new book about the Bathory family but much more so than that. I'm writing that the Habsburg Family, rulers of Austria, and the Bathory Family, rulers of Hungary, are actually two differents sects of Vampire who have descended from the blood thirsty Druids of the 900 A.D. when the Romans first came to England. If you have any comments, I'd welcome them.
reviewed by Jonathan from United States on Sep.11.2008
killing one person is crazy enough, but six hundred and something is just plain bewildering...
reviewed by josie from United States on Sep.05.2008
She's a murderer! Her family fought to uphold Christianity against the Turks so she must have known what she was doing was WRONG! What a sick individual.
reviewed by BeltaineBabe from Canada on Aug.31.2008
It is common to think that Elizabeth Bathory bathed in her victims blood, but that could very well be legend what we know is that she did kill many women.
There is a lot of fact mixed in with fiction just like any other story this old so we may never know the truth.The story of Elizabeth is so intriguing to me because it took place at an age when doing anything out of the ordinary was considered witchcraft.and you were tortured and killed anyway if someone didn't like you, even if you were innocent.
reviewed by lazsia from United States on Aug.09.2008
Also, there's a new book out about Elizabeth Bathory, in case you're interested. It's called, "Bathory: Memoir of a Countess" and the ISBN is 1439201749.
reviewed by Beth McDaniel from United States on Aug.06.2008
Elizabeth Bathory is a piece of work. She may have been a murderer, a serial killer, and just plain crazed , but in actually she was just trying to cure aging like almost all women do now. Many people have fetishes. Some vulgar, some very unusual, and some that are just plain incredible. Elizabeths fetishes fell intothe incredible category. Her main issue was that no one told her no. I believe that she was a ela live vampire and should forever be remembered
reviewed by Raven from United States on Jul.31.2008
reviewed by KARREN from United States on Jul.13.2008
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