This is a blog to explain in a legal and historical context the life and alleged crimes of Erzebet Bathory. We hope to be fair and enlightening to our readers. We welcome comments, but remain family friendly.

Sunday, July 28, 2019
American Doll and Toy Museum: Doll Convention Season and Estate Sale Adventures
American Doll and Toy Museum: Doll Convention Season and Estate Sale Adventures: Another awesomely wild season of Virtual Doll Convention, Auctions, National Doll Festival and UFDC are coming to a rapid close, but with ...

Friday, July 5, 2019
July Skyward by Dr. David Levy; A Night Watchman's Journey
Here, once again, is a guest post from the incomparable David Levy. Erzebet died at the time great strides were being made in astronomy; the work of Galileo was discovered, and attacked, and many centuries later, men walked on our moon in 1969. Enjoy.
David H. Levy
A Nightwatchman’s Journey: The Road not
On Friday, June 14, my latest book, my
autobiography entitled A Nightwatchman’s Journey: The Road not Taken was
launched at the Royal Astronomical Society’s General Assembly in Toronto. It is a book I have been working on for
almost a decade, and it is the story of my life. The book begins in medias res, in
the midst of a suicide attempt that happened shortly after I graduated from
Acadia. I have suffered from depression
throughout my life, but this book describes my efforts to conquer it. It tells of how I made many poor decisions in
my life, but how two of them were good.
The best decision was marrying Wendee, which I did in 1997 and with whom
I have had 22 happy years. The other
one was to begin, on December 17, 1965, a search for comets.
It took me nineteen years, searching
with telescopes for 917 hours 28 minutes, before I finally found my first comet
in 1984. Since then I have found 22
more. One was an electronic find shared
with Tom Glinos in 2010. Thirteen were
photographic film discoveries shared with Gene and Carolyn Shoemaker (including
Shoemaker-Levy 9 which collided with Jupiter in 1994) and there were nine
visual comet finds. If the first
seventy-one years of my life had been just staring through the eyepiece of a
telescope, however, there would not have been much to write about. What happened on the road less travelled by,
like Robert Frost, has made all the difference.
Comets, I learned, are not just for
viewing. They are for reading and for
studying. At first, I did some high school reading about the discovery of Comet
Ikeya-Seki, the brightest comet of the twentieth century. Years later in graduate school at Canada’s
Queen’s University, I prepared a master’s thesis based on the 19th
century English poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, who observed Comet Tempel in 1864
and subsequently wrote a beautiful poem about it. But the writer who seemed to be most into
astronomy, and whose love of the sky I turned into my Ph.D., was none other
than the great William Shakespeare, whose collected works contain more than two
hundred references to the sky, including the opening lines to I Henry VI,
one of his earliest plays:
Hung be the heavens with black, yield day
to night!
Comets, importing change of times and
Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky.
now, when I spend an evening or all night under the stars, I am amazed to be
able to share my experiences with so many people, in all walks of life, who
have come before me. Taking a road
“that was grassy and wanted wear” might have been risky, but it did point me
toward many adventures I’ll never forget.
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