This is a blog to explain in a legal and historical context the life and alleged crimes of Erzebet Bathory. We hope to be fair and enlightening to our readers. We welcome comments, but remain family friendly.

Friday, October 5, 2012
A Fictionalized Epistolary Novel; Erzebet as Unwitting Muse
The Letters of Elizabeth Bathory
Author: VKM PM
A collection of letters pertaining to the historical "vampire", Elizabeth Bathory of Transylvania.
Rated: Fiction T - English - Words: 1,636 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 1 - Published: 01-17-04 - id: 1500019
A a Abc Abc Abc Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten
September First, 1614
To Whom It May Concern: The papers contained within this envelope are the personal letters of the evil vampiress, Erzebet Bathory, also known as Elizabeth. She was found guilty of the murder of over 600 innocent girls.
She was a demon obsessed with maintaining her youth, and aspiring to the throne of Poland, for which she was next in line.
After the death of her husband she began practicing the dark arts. She also became certain that the blood of young maids would keep her younthful, if she bathed in it, and sometimes she would drink the blood. Countless peasant girls were killed, as well as nobles. After the massacre of the latter began, the Emperor ordered her trial.
She was found guilty of all the murders in 1610. Also condemned were a coven of witches, led by Dorotta Szentes, also called Dorka. These foul creatures were burned for their crimes.
Due to her nobility, the Countess herself could not be put to death. The law even had to be changed to allow her to be put on trial in the first place. Her punishment was to be locked in a small closet in her castle with no openings except a small slot for food to be passed in. She died on August 21, 1614, without having ever shown any remorse for her atrocious crimes.
Now that you know the history of Erzebet Bathory, Countess of Transylvania, you may decide to continue. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Bram V Irving,
************************************************************************ March 1, 1610
Dorotta Szentes,
I hope that your lessons have been a success. It will be most convenient for me to communicate with the coven using writing, rather than having to summon you to my home. It is raising suspicion that is best avoided.
My youth cannot be maintained by myself alone. I constantly need your aid. As I have ever since my servant's blood fell upon my skin after I stuck her with my scissors. Where her virgin blood fell upon my skin looked fresher and younger. I had discovered the secret of everlasting beauty.
Unfortunately I have come to the conclusion that this weak peasant stock is not longer capable of providing such a gift. Their blood is weak, impure, and defective. I need noble blood for my noble skin. One day I will be Queen, and I cannot sully my appearance with tainted blood.
I have not yet decided how the noble girls I need will be acquired. But I will decide soon. Be prepared for my instructions.
Erzebet Bathory, Countess of Transylvania
March 13
Thanc yu for the lesons. to reade and wright is a honer. Thes skils our verie inportent. Coven is always yors to comand. Glad to be af sir vice.
March 17, 1610
You are never to misspell my name again! In fact, I forbid you to write Erzebet. You may refer to me as Elizabeth, and ONLY Elizabeth.
I have finally devised a plan to bring my elixir of youth to me. Since I am highly educated, a fact of which I am proud, I will offer to teach 25 young noble women who are not as learned as me. This will seem perfectly natural, and many nobles will wish their daughters' education to be properly finished. Once I am through with them, their education will be FINISHED! I cannot wait.
I will also invite another girl to aid me in my teachings. She will have to be gifted not only with intelligence, but also with beauty. Her blood will be the finest, befitting a lady of my status.
Erzebet Bathory
March 28, 1610
Dear Dorotta,
I have found the perfect assistant for my academy. Her name is Rosalind Dumas and she is the Countess of Wallachia. She received her education as a result of being the only legitimate child and sole heir of the former Count of Wallachia. Both her parents have passed and with no immediate relatives, few will notice when she does not return from the castle alive.
Rosalind is also famous for her beauty. Many suitors have tried to win her hand, yet she refuses them all. I wouldn't mind if some of them followed her here, for my own enjoyment! No doubt her relatives will relish the opportunity to claim Wallachia for themselves once I remove her from this world. One of those distant relatives can inherit on the event of her death.
I sent her invitation yesterday. If all goes well Rosalind will arrive in one month, as will the noble maidens whom I also invited.
A fortnight afterwards the coven is to come to the back entrance of the castle. I will deliver to you the first of the girls. Be there by midnight.
Is not written communication so much better than verbal? Erzebet
Apr. 1, 1610
Dear Erzebet Bathory,
Countess of Transylvania
Many thanks for your kind invitation. I would be delighted to come to your castle and share my knowledge with other young girls. I have long been grateful for the open mind of my gracious father, God rest his soul.
Most girls my age have not had the privilege to have had even a few lessons, much less the private tutor of my own education. Their minds have been left to be taught by their similarly uneducated mothers, and an unfortunate cycle has begun. But thanks to you, for some it will end.
My own mother died in childbirth and my father never remarried, for he loved her dearly. Thus I was the sole heir to my father's title and estates. It is because of this that I attribute my extensive education. My father also prepared me for the role that I have undertaken since his death last year.
Not many lords would consider a daughter a worthy successor. Many, when faced with such a predicament, hurry to find a suitable husband for their child, and secure a true heir. I sincerely hope your ladyship is not offended by my frankness, as I know you were married when you were quite young, younger than I am now. I hope that you were able to find love with your husband, before his untimely death. My own father gave me leave to marry a man who I loved, not just one who was rich. He did not "marry me off", for which I am thankful beyond words.
Once again I must express my gratitude for the opportunity to share what I know with young women who have not had my fortunate background. I thank you again.
Rosalind Dumas, Countess of Wallachia
************************************************************************ April 15 Elizabeth,
A hundread apologezes for my misspelling. I am verie, VERIE sorey. The coven whill bee at the castle at midnite. All is redy for the gest. May she bring yu many yeers of beuty.
Apr. 29, 1610
Dearest Isabella, My dear, dear nurse, who raised me to be the lady I am now, I am deathly afraid. And terrified that something evil is afoot.
When I first arrived, my task here was pure joy. The area around the castle is beautiful, the Carpathians surrounding here are so magnificent. And those lovely young students were so eager. It was as if I had wandered into a dream. Then it became a nightmare.
One of the girls, little Sophia Luhrman, disappeared one night. The Countess sent search parties to find her, but not a trace was discovered.
We had finally put the sad affair behind us when another girl disappeared.
I am afraid for the girls and myself. Something is not right with our hostess. Every time I look into Elizabeth's eyes, I now see something sinister.
Please, dearest Isabella, I am in desperate need of your counsel. I want to flee this evil place, yet I cannot abandon those precious girls. What shall I do?
All my love,
Rosalind Dumas (written below)
Did she really think that I would allow this letter to leave the castle? Foolish child. She will not have time to regret it.
May 6, 1610
Dear Dorka,
Rosalind is dead. I have been forced to terminate her employment earlier than originally intended. She was beginning to become suspicious, she even tried to send a letter pertaining to the recent events here in the castle. I had planned to save her until the end, but some things are unavoidable. Do not worry about collecting anything, I have disposed of her.
Because of this unforeseen event, the next delivery will have to be delayed. Expect the next girl on the first of June.
May 18
Dearest Mistress,
I fear that the famly of the countes will discover wat hapenned to Roselin. The coven is scaired. Be carful!
May 20, 1610
In light of the expected investigation, please return the correspondence that I have sent to you, including this one. They would incriminate both of us beyond anything else, as they are undisputable confessions of our guilt.
You have been a faithful servant, and your service will not be easily forgotten. Once this suspicion dissipates, I will be in need of the coven again.
(A/N This story, sadly enough, is based on the true life of Countess Elizabeth Bathory, one of the most infamous "vampires" in history, possibly second only to Vlad Dracula himself.) The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Your review has been posted.
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