This is a blog to explain in a legal and historical context the life and alleged crimes of Erzebet Bathory. We hope to be fair and enlightening to our readers. We welcome comments, but remain family friendly.

Sunday, December 29, 2013
Bathory Aria
My husband gave me “Bathory Aria” by Cradle of Filth as a wanted Xmas gift. It was on my list. I have listened to this almost 12-minute presentation a couple of times. It opens with an orchestral, symphonic prelude, and descends into the primitive, unintelligible “chanting” of a cronish Erzebet. It is an artistic, and creative piece, but even 400 years ago, 54 wasn’t that old. Would she have sounded like such a hoarse hag? It is supposed to add to her evil, ugly aura, I guess. Would that more would read her letters as compiled by Kimberly Craft. She fits the bill more of Pym’s excellent woman than vampiric monster.
I have to say I like the band. It’s T-Shirts are collectors items and hard to find. My vampire girl with caption “Vigor Mortis” was a gift from my mom, who have me the money. My mom was cool, no two ways about it. She bought me Marquis de Sade books for my dissertation, and scoped the comic book stores with me for Anne Rice Graphics, Neil Gaiman comics, and Vampirella. You should have seen her in Marie LeVeau’s Voodoo Shop in New Orleans.
The Aria is from the 1998 album by COF, Cruelty and the Beast. Below is an excerpt from the Wikipedia article on the album. I don’t usually use Wiki P as a cite, but this one has some good references, and it is a useful source for more current pop culture. The articles on the band and album correctly note that the band writes and sings more for shock value, but that history, Goth culture, mythology, and fairy tales influence their songs. Ingrid Pitt did some vocals on the album, too. Please note that the late Ms. Pitt noted on a documentary about Erzebet that the stories about the Countess were “rubbish:”
All lyrics written by Dani Filth, all music composed by Cradle of Filth (Filth, Stuart Anstis, Gian Pyres, Robin Eaglestone, Les Smith and Nicholas Barker).
No. Title Length
1. "Once Upon Atrocity" (Instrumental) 1:43
2. "Thirteen Autumns and a Widow" 7:14
3. "Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids" 7:18
4. "Beneath the Howling Stars" 7:42
5. "Venus in Fear" (Instrumental) 2:20
6. "Desire in Violent Overture" 4:16
7. "The Twisted Nails of Faith" 6:50
8. "Bathory Aria"1. "Benighted Like Usher"2. "A Murder of Ravens in Fugue"3. "Eyes That Witnessed Madness" 11:02
9. "Portrait of the Dead Countess" (Instrumental) 2:52
10. "Lustmord and Wargasm (The Lick of Carnivorous Winds)" 7:30
A Google search on Cradle of Filth turns up many more sources about the band and its music.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Monday, December 2, 2013
Miss Charlotte Bronte meets Miss Barbara Pym: Here and There, Pym does Mention her Dolls, Idols,...
Miss Charlotte Bronte meets Miss Barbara Pym: Here and There, Pym does Mention her Dolls, Idols,...: Marcia the Collector from Quarter in Autumn might approve: See below, written by Annetta Miller, a freelance writer who also wrote for New...
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
2 interesting Links; oner relativing to Boudicca, and one to Erzebet and Vampires
Monday, October 7, 2013
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Halloween and Dolls and antique Wax Models for Ana...
The Bathory Chronicles, Volume I, won a prize!
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Halloween and Dolls and antique Wax Models for Ana...: One of the things I enjoy is posting on Pinterest. I have a Holidays Board and a Doll Collection Board; both contain images of Halloween an...
Thursday, October 3, 2013
The Bathory Chronicles Wins a Prize!
And so did two of my other books!
Children Recognized Author Winners
a to z and how it came to be by Jane Knigge
A Walrus Ate My Right, Blue Shoe by Lori Spencer
Around and Around the Seasons We Go! by Jennifer Leonard
Buried Treasure in Olney by Thomas Renk
Clara and World War II by Ellen Marie Tsagaris
Emma Finds Her Voice by Estelle Sobel Erasmus
Halloween Night by Kaylee Hamelink
If Trees Could Dance by Theresa Stucky
Jake and Lilly’s Mom Works by Erin Rhinehart
Lovebugs by Shera Dalin
My New Mommy by Ronni McNabb
Railroad Train by Mariecor Agravante
Sit With Mama by Mary Flanagan Malbasa
The Magic Shoes by Janet Ruth Heller
The Unhappiest Girl in Town by Susan Lutz
Flight to Destiny by Sarah Byrn Rickman
Fiction Recognized Author Winners
A Cowboy in Savannah by David Osborne
Bronk by Max Oliver
Cheron’s Choke by Frank Mabry
Eli’s Lullaby by Perry Jurick
Laura of the Woods by Steven Bussell
No More Yellow Buses by Geoffrey Steele
Shadow Mountain by Max Oliver
SWEATIN’ by Kim Kendall
The Gun Trail by Tom Alberti
Toe-rag by Ruan Wright
Fiction Silver Lining Winners
The Bathory Chronicles Liz Volume I by Ellen Marie Tsagaris
The Wild Horse Runs Free by Ellen Marie Tsagaris
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
What to do at a Reading
I did a reading tonight with some friends at our local library. There is a community program done every year called Read Local. Tonight, I read with three other women. As is often the case, a theme runs through the poetry. Tonight was autumn, Sylvia Plath, women accused of witchcraft, law, and religion. I read from With Love from Tin Lizzie about masks and automatons and from my chapbook, Sappho, I should have Listened. Poets were reading their title pieces, so I read the actual poem “Sappho, I should have Listened.” We read poems from different parts of our writing careers, and gave an idea of the structure of our books. For women falsely accused of sorcery, I read “The Blood Countess/ For Erzebet”
I note that those who wrote historical fiction had a few notes about the history that inspired them. Others, including me, gave brief biographies of the women they wrote about and why they inspired them. I think a little background whets the audience’s appetite. We also brought copies of our books to display, exchange, and sell.
Students of writing often introduce themselves, eager to join groups and get ideas. Ironically, a local poets group was meeting across the hall from where we did the reading. Read Local is a good way for local writers to become aware of each other. There are programs like it everywhere, and LinkedIn features groups for writers of all types. You can join as many groups as you want online and commiserate and get ideas.
On another note, I picked up some magazines to read at the library, and one 2003
Doll Reader had an article by our friend Shirley Holub, on doll hospitals. She writes the Doll Hospital series for Scholastic Books.
For those who write memoir, there are several new biographies and memoirs on the shelves, including one by Shirley Jones, where “Mrs. Partridge” allegedly tells all. Now is the time to get out those holiday ornaments, photos, and old cards. You never know what might trigger a memoir. You might also try a historical prompt, “Where were you when…..” and include a significant historical event that affected you.
Monday, September 30, 2013
We are nearing 10,000 posts; thank you! Note that I'm seeing many Vampire Countess outfits for this year at Spirit of Halloween and other stores. We welcome comments and information on Erzebet.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Why so high?
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Why so high?: As many of my readers know, I publish. I have been published by The Hobby House Press, The Tower Press Mazgzine, Fitzroy-Dearborn/Routhledg...
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: 9/11 In Memoriam-The Star Spangled Banner with all...
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: 9/11 In Memoriam-The Star Spangled Banner with all...: May never forget, may we always have courage, and may The United States always be The United States. To those who lost their lives at The P...
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
A documentary
Elizabeth Bathor; On YouTube;Serial Killer with Martina Cole's, Lady Killers.
Intresting for the late Ingrid Pitt's comments that she doesn't believe Erzebet ever did anything. Some attempts are made to be objective, but much of it is mere legend. Denis Bathory, an alleged descendant, merely repeats everyone else's research. The same is true for the rest of the "history." Still, read between the lines and you will see the so-called evidence is based on rumor and infamy. There are several documentaries about Erzebet on YouTube, as well as movie trailers. Do a search for "erzebet bathory."
Praise for The Bathory Chronicles! This was a 5 Star Review! Many Thanks!
Defiled no more!, June 26, 2013
By Cy (Illinois, USA) - See all my reviewsAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: The Bathory Chronicles. Volume I: Defiled is my Name Full Sore (Kindle Edition)
A very eye-opening account of a woman who's reputation still haunts the modern world. Rather than follow the same story told again and again, the author gives a new voice to Erzebet Bathory. The story, though historic, is fresh and well written. I was intrigued and then hooked. Couldn't put it down until I'd read it all the way through!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Defiled is her Name full Sore
The Bathory Chronicles; Part I
Travel back in time to the 17th century with the most infamous and most misunderstood lady of all time. Have lattes with Attila the Hun, and be a flower girl at the marriage of Vlad Tepes and Boadicea. What gift to you buy for that bridal shower, and where is the couple registered? Part I of the Bathory Chronicles follows Erzebet, aka, Liz, and her Fey family as they time travel from century to century to help their mortal , clueless friends and family. Part I takes them to a Midwestern Mississippi river town called Rogues Island, where Liz connects with an old love and rediscovers key players from her earlier, more sinister self as Countess Erzebet Bathory, The Blood Countess
Jack the Ripper
Tigress; A Story of Jack the Ripper
Who was the infamous Jack, or was it Jacqueline? Was it a group of Jacks? Jack, or Jacqueline, went into the box again, never to pop up again in any one form. The legend fascinated me for some time, until I felt compelled to write about it, only with a twist. In my story, we hear the other side, Jack’s side, only Jack isn’t exactly Jack. Walk with me again through the 19th century streets of Whitechapel. Feel beneath your fingers the crushed velour of The Yellow Wallpaper, and listen to the empty cradles rock against the sounds of shiny knives sharpening, and run, run quickly. There is a tigress afoot, and she seeks revenge, for her, and for her lost children. I hope you enjoy the story, and feel free to comment on this blog or on
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Irena Sendler
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Irena Sendler: On Behalf of The Holocaust Education Committee, to which I belong, here is some basic information, a flier really, with Judy Winnick playi...
Monday, August 5, 2013
Doll Museum: Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Dr. Who's Queen Anne Dol...
Doll Museum: Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Dr. Who's Queen Anne Dol...: Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Dr. Who's Queen Anne Doll : Tonight's Dr. Who features doll monsters that turn people into dolls that ...
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
5 Star Review for Defiled is my Name, The Bathory Chronicles, volume I

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Widow Capet and Widow Nadasdy
Here are a few more interesting comparisons. Both women were stripped of their titles after their husbands' deaths as the blog title above shows. There was an Esterhazy at both courts. Within 183 years of inbred royalty and aristocracy, I'm going to guess they were of the same family. I plan to research this further. The Madame Royale Princess Marie Therese, daughter of Marie Antoinette, like Erzebet, was locked up for a time, albeit a year, in a tower with no visitors. She was passed food through a wicker grate. Both MA and Erzebet were accused of high treason. Marie Antoinette was beheaded, and Erzebet was threatened with it at one point. Both had ties with foreign armies they expected to save them, as indicated yesterday. Sad coincidence, or de rigueur treatment for women of fallen regimes.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Marie Antoinette and Erzebet Bathory
I am listening to the audio book of Marie Antoinette; The Last Queen of France, by Evelyne Lever. She brings up some interesting parallels between the lives of these two women, both once powerful but brought to downfall and disgrace:
First, Marie Antoinete was accused of adultery, lesbianism, and being a "blood thirsty monster." Erzebet, it is implied, had a child out of wedlock, and is portrayed in an adulterous relationship with the artist Carvaggio in the film Bathory. Erzebet is accused of being a vampire and werewolf, and of lesbian relationships. It seems these are stock charges levelled against unpopular women, especially aristocrats, whom a mob wants to destroy. Also, both women counted on male relatives in other countries or sovreignties to raise armies to save them, and both were disappointed. In the case of Erzebet, I would also like to note that Thorne describes the fate of other women in Erzebet's time, similar to hers, including her own niece Anna Bathory. Widows, especially rich ones, were clearly easy targets. It was a scandal for a woman past child bearing age to rule alone and to own properites and wealth in her own right. There were only certain subject positions from which an aristocratic woman could speak, and these included impending death, madness, pending execution [violetn or unnatural death]. For those who want to read more, consult the books mentioned previously, and the works of scholars Ann Rosalind Jones and Mary Ellen Lamb. Also, one might read about Maximillian and Carlotta in Mexico, and the Czarina Alexandra in Russia, for similar, more modern stories.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
The Bathory Chronicles; Volume 1 Liz-Defiled is my Name Full Sore

Thursday, May 30, 2013
Youth Elixir; How I found this Recipe on a Google Search!
Youth Elixir
Submitted by: ANGEL2ANGEL
Brigitte's Protein Blast
Minutes to Prepare: 5
Number of Servings: 1
1 1/2 C. Blue Diamond Almond Milk (sugar free)
1 C. Frozen Raspberries
1/2 Frozen Blueberries
1 Tbs. Body Balance Bio Oil ( a 4-1 Ratio of Sunflower oil and Flaxseed oil)
One Scoop of Elite Protein Powder
Nano Greens (or any ORGANTIC powdered greens)
1/2 to 1 C. Ice water.
Toss All ingredients in blender and blend till smooth...... You can substitute any frozen friut
ENJOY!!!!!!!!! It will Keep you young and healthy.
Number of Servings: 1
Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user ANGEL2ANGEL.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
A BBC piece; found it looking for information on Tony Thorne's Book
Read for the inaccuracies:
Created Aug 2, 2001 | Updated Jan 28, 2002
11 Conversations
Elizabeth Bathory - the Blood Countess
Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess, is one of the most famous of all historical vampires. She is perhaps less well-known only than the infamous Vlad Dracula, known also as Tepes (the Impaler) and he - although noted for his savage and very public methods of execution - was no vampire, but has merely been cited as the inspiration for Bram Stoker's fictional Count Dracula. In fact, the historical Dracula is usually best known as a devout, if savage, Christian warrior and noted for his successful enforcement of the law within the Voevodate of Wallachia. Elizabeth Bathory on the other hand is renowned as a torturer, an eater of flesh and a bather in blood, and has been cited by prominent vampirologist Raymond McNally in his book Dracula was a Woman (which is currently out of print) as a closer model for Bram Stoker's creation than Tepes.
Bathory, like Stoker's Dracula, was a Hungarian1 of noble blood, whereas Tepes was Romanian; the Voevod, or Prince, of Wallachia when said title was not in the hands of his brother. Also, although his deeds were bloody, Tepes is never reported to have drunk the blood of his victims, while Elizabeth Bathory is reputed (admittedly with only anecdotal evidence) to have not only drunk but bathed in the blood of young virgin girls. The truth of whether she was a model for the Count will remain known only to Stoker, but certainly in the years since Dracula was published, the Blood Countess has exercised a powerful fascination on many writers and film-makers.
The Birth and Childhood of Elizabeth Bathory
Erzsebet Bathory, known more commonly in the Western world by the anglicised name Elizabeth, was born in 1560, the daughter of Baron George Bathory and Baroness Anna Bathory. George and Anna were both Bathorys by birth; he a member of the Ecsed branch of the family and of the Somlyo. Such inbreeding was not uncommon in the aristocracy of 16th Century Eastern Europe, as the purity of the noble line was seen as paramount.
The Bathory were one of the most powerful Protestant families in Hungary, and numbered warlords, politicians and clerics among its members. Elizabeth's ancestor Stephan Bathory had fought alongside Vlad Dracula in one of his many successful attempts to reclaim the Wallachian throne, and his namesake, Elizabeth's cousin, became Prince of Transylvania in 1571, and was later elected King of Poland. Other members of the family were less respectable however, including Elizabeth's brother (also called Stephan), a noted drunkard and lecher.
Elizabeth was highly-educated for her time, being fluent in Hungarian, Latin and Greek in a time when most Hungarians of noble birth - even men, who generally would have been better schooled than their female kin - were all but illiterate. She is also said to have been a great beauty, although it is unlikely that anyone would have openly said otherwise of the daughter of such a prominent family. At the age of eleven, Elizabeth was engaged to Count Ferenc Nadasdy, a skilled warrior and athlete, but as reported by his own mother's hand, 'no scholar'. He was - by varying reports - five or 15 years Elizabeth's senior. It was Ferenc's mother, Ursula, who arranged this engagement, one which would give considerable prestige to the Nadasdy family.
In seeking to divine the genesis of Elizabeth's sadistic behaviour it has been suggested that she might have been insane from childhood. It is said that the young Elizabeth suffered from seizures accompanied by loss of control and fits of rage, which may have been caused by epilepsy, possibly stemming from inbreeding. She was also able to witness the brutal justice handed down by her family's officers on their estates at Ecsel. One anecdote describes an incident in which a gypsy, accused of theft, was sewn up in the belly of a dying horse with only his head exposed, and left to die. Such tales afford a grisly reminder that her own acts - while excessive even by the standards of the time - were not so very far removed from deeds which would have been considered quite normal.
The Marriage of Elizabeth Bathory and Ferenc Nadasdy
In 1574 Elizabeth fell pregnant by a peasant lover. She was quietly sequestered until the child, a daughter, was born and given to peasant foster parents to be raised. In 1575 she was married to Ferenc in a gala festival to which the Holy Roman Emperor himself, Maximillian II, was invited, sending a delegation and a lavish gift with an apology for his unavoidable absence. His reason was the danger of travelling in turbulent times, and there is little to suggest that he was seeking to avoid either family. Elizabeth retained her maiden name, and Ferenc added it to his own, less distinguished one, becoming Ferenc Bathory-Nadasdy
After her marriage, Elizabeth was established as mistress of the Nadasdy estate around Castle Sarvar. Here the Nadasdys enjoyed a reputation as harsh masters, and while much of Elizabeth's cruelty is doubtless due to her own nature, Ferenc is said to have shown her some of his own favoured ways of punishing his servants. There are also tales of the couple engaging in diabolic rites and patronising various occultists and satanists. It is unusual, although far from unheard of, for retellers of the story to claim that Ferenc was unaware of his wife's perversions.
Elizabeth is reported to have been a good wife in her husband's presence, but Ferenc was a warrior by nature, and frequently absent. To occupy her time she is said to have taken numerous young men as lovers. She even ran away with one of these, but returned after a very short time to her husband. She also spent time visiting her aunt, noted at the time for her open bisexuality, and contemporary reports seem to consider Elizabeth's sexual ambivalence to be an integral part of her overall perversion.
After ten years of marriage Elizabeth finally gave her husband children; three daughters and at last a son, delivered in quick succession from 1585 onwards. By all reports, Elizabeth was an excellent and doting mother.
Elizabeth Bathory's Crimes
It was in her husband's absence that Elizabeth is reputed to have begun torturing young servant girls for her own pleasure, although this may in fact have been a pastime to which Ferenc himself introduced her to. Her accomplices at this time were Helena Jo, her childrens' wet-nurse, Dorothea Szentes, also known as Dorka, a peasant woman of noted physical strength alleged to be a witch, and Johannes Ujvary, also referred to as Ficzko, a manservant sometimes described as a dwarf-like cripple. Among the activities attributed to Elizabeth in this period were beating her maidservants with a barbed lash and a heavy cudgel, and having them dragged naked into the snow and doused with cold water until they froze to death.
In January 1604, Ferenc Nadasdy died of an infected wound, reportedly inflicted by a harlot whom he refused to pay. Elizabeth transferred herself to the royal court at Vienna with almost unseemly haste, and took to spending much time at her castle at Cachtice (pronounced Chakh-teetsay) in north-west Hungary (now Slovakia). Here she took up with Anna Darvula, described as the most active sadist in her entourage, and, like Dorka, alleged to be a witch. Darvula was also said to be Elizabeth's lover. This was the period in which Elizabeth is said to have committed her greatest atrocities, under the guidance of Darvula.
It is also at this time that legend tells us that she discovered, on striking a servant girl who accidentally pulled her hair whilst combing it, that blood appeared to reduce the signs of ageing on her skin. The popular version of events tells how Elizabeth took to bathing in the blood of young girls2, although of the various horrific eye-witness accounts of her crimes, none describe these blood baths.
Elizabeth's proclivities went largely undetected - or at least ignored - until around 1609. In fact the Lord Palatine of Hungary, Count Cuyorgy Thurzo, probably knew of her activities much earlier. He was her cousin however, and to protect the family name took no official action, although he may have tried to have Elizabeth confined to a nunnery. In 1609 however, Darvula died, and Elizabeth seems to have taken up with a new accomplice/lover, the widow of one of her tenant farmers, named Erszi Majorova, and it was perhaps at Erszi's instigation or encouragement that Elizabeth turned her hand against a number of girls from families of noble blood but little wealth.
The Downfall of Elizabeth Bathory
The deaths of peasant girls might be overlooked, but the murder of nobles, even those of such limited means as those Elizabeth selected, could not go unnoticed. The King of Hungary ordered her arrest, and Count Thurzo moved quickly to save the family as much face as possible by affecting her capture on his own terms. On 30 December he led soldiers in a night raid on Castle Cachtice; as it was Christmas, the Hungarian Parliament would not have been in session, allowing the Lord Palatine to act unhindered. This raid supposedly found a dead girl in the hallway, and many other victims dead, dying or awaiting torture in cells. Dorothea, Helena and Ficzko were arrested, along with Katarina Beneczky, a washerwoman newly entered into the Countess' service. Erszi Majorova escaped capture in the raid but was later also arrested. Elizabeth herself was held but not taken away with her associates.
In January 1611 Elizabeth's accomplices were subjected to two hurried show trials, in which they gave evidence, almost certainly extracted under torture, and were convicted of their heinous crimes in a matter of days. In the second trial, another servant named as Zusanna gave evidence of the existence of a register, in her mistress' handwriting, which recorded over 650 victims who had died at the Countess' hands over the years. This evidence was shaky as the register was never actually produced, but it was enough to convict the servants.
Helena Jo and Dorothea Szentes were named as the foremost perpetrators and sentenced, as witches, to have the fingers which had 'dipped in the blood of Christians' torn out with red-hot pincers, and then to be burned alive. As a lesser offender, Ficzko was decapitated before his body was burned alongside the two women. On 24 January, Erszi Majorova was also sentenced and executed. Of those tried, only Katarina Beneczky escaped the death sentence, exonerated by her fellow defendants and also by the testimony of Zusanna.
Elizabeth Bathory was present at neither trial, and was convicted of no crime. However, when she attempted to flee, her cousin had her confined to the castle at Cachtice, although her family stubbornly refused the King's demands that she be tried for her crimes. While he was probably shocked by the extent of the Countess' deeds, the King's desire for justice was almost certainly in part due to a large debt incurred against Ferenc in his lifetime. Elizabeth's conviction would have allowed the King to not only write off that debt, but also to seize the Nadasdy lands, and those held by Elizabeth as a Bathory. Consequently, the Bathorys must have brought all of their considerable influence to bear to keep that from happening.
From the Horse's Mouth - Testimony of Elizabeth Bathory's Crimes
The following are examples of the testimony of the servants recorded at the trial of Elizabeth's accomplices.
... a 12-year-old girl named Pola somehow managed to escape from the castle. But Dorka, aided by Helena Jo, caught the frightened girl by surprise and brought her forcibly back to Cachtice Castle. Clad only in a long white robe, Countess Elizabeth greeted the girl upon her return. The countess was in another of her rages. She advanced on the 12-year-old child and forced her into a kind of cage. This particular cage was built like a huge ball, too narrow to sit in, too low to stand in. Once the girl was inside, the cage was suddenly hauled up by a pulley and dozens of short spikes jutted into the cage. Pola tried to avoid being caught on the spikes, but Ficzko manoeuvered the ropes so that the cage shifted from side to side. Pola's flesh was torn to pieces.
One accomplice testified that on some days Elizabeth had stark-naked girls laid flat on the floor of her bedroom and tortured them so much that one could scoop up the blood by the pailful afterwards, and so Elizabeth had her servants bring up cinders in order to cover the pools of blood. A young maid-servant who did not endure the tortures well and died very quickly was written out by the countess in her diary with the laconic comment 'She was too small...'
At one point in her life Elizabeth Bathory was so sick that she could not move from her bed and could not find the strength to torture her miscreant servant girls... She demanded that one of her female servants be brought before her. Dorothea Szentes, a burly, strong peasant woman, dragged one of Elizabeth's girls to her bedside and held her there. Elizabeth rose up on her bed, and, like a bulldog, the Countess opened her mouth and bit the girl first on the cheek. Then she went for the girl's shoulders where she ripped out a piece of flesh with her teeth. After that, Elizabeth proceeded to bite the girl's breasts.
- From Dracula was a Woman McNally, R
The Fate Of Elizabeth Bathory
Although she was never convicted of any crime, Elizabeth Bathory's family declared her a menace to their name, and she was walled up within her bed chamber, with only small slits for ventilation and the passing of food left open. After three years, a guard looking through one of the slots saw the infamous Blood Countess lying face down on the floor of her chamber, dead.
Elizabeth died in Castle Cachtice on 21 August, 1614. The bulk of her estate was divided, according to her will, between her children. She was taken from the castle and buried at her birthplace at Ecsed. She was to have been buried at Cachtice, but the local populace would not hear of such a woman being interred in their parish, let alone on consecrated ground. While the views of the peasantry would have been of little matter, it would perhaps be feared that Elizabeth's grave would be desecrated, bringing further insult upon the family name.
Truth and Fiction
As noted above, the most common story of Elizabeth Bathory's reign of terror - that of the blood bath - is unsupported by the evidence of any of the witnesses3. Moreover, the nature of the trial renders suspect all of the evidence given there, as said evidence was largely extracted under torture or threat of torture, and was probably 'tuned' to create the most vivid impression. However, the story of the Blood Countess has been seized upon by many writers and film-makers, for whom the heady mixture of Elizabeth's beauty, sophistication, extreme cruelty and bisexuality have formed the basis for many a prurient retelling.
It has become difficult to distinguish the facts from the fiction in the case of Countess Elizabeth Bathory-Nadasdy, in spite of - or perhaps because of - the wealth of documentary evidence in the case as many of the original trial records survive in Hungary to this day. After the blood baths, the most frequent embellishment is the playing up of her involvement with the occult, ranging from the simple presence of her supposed witches, through tales of the infernal rites she enacted in the company of her husband, to accounts of her maintaining a court filled with alchemists, sorcerers and satanists of every stripe as advisers. A similarly occult element brings in claims of the Countess' insistence on virgin victims. Such a stipulation is not attested to in the direct evidence, although prudence would probably have meant that most of the victims were at least unmarried. She herself is variously accused of witchcraft, vampirism and lycanthropy.
As always with historical characters and historical atrocities, the great risk in these retellings is that the brutal murders of Elizabeth Bathory's victims should become just a piece of background, their role as faceless victims cemented forever. This risk is exacerbated by the 'bad-girl glamour' which invariably accompanies Elizabeth's portrayal. As modern day serial killers become twisted folk heroes and objects of adoration, so Elizabeth Bathory's fascination pervades these stories, turning a cruel and twisted woman into an intensely sensual, sexual, almost romantic figure.
Conclusions and a Note on the Material
In researching this entry, the Researcher made an early decision to disregard any and all material which opened its description with either of the phrases: 'Elizabeth Bathory was a lesbian', or 'Although Elizabeth Bathory was not a lesbian'. It is the Researcher's feeling that the nature of Elizabeth Bathory's crimes should not be attributed to her sexual orientation but rather to a deep personal dysfunction. To dwell upon sexuality as a formative factor is not merely crass, but also perpetuates Elizabeth Bathory's sexual glamour. Her actions were in part an expression of tremendous sadism, and in part no more than an extension of the contemporary attitude towards the value of human life - especially that of people with no social standing; it was after all only when she began killing noble girls that Elizabeth's crimes caught up with her.
As for the claims that Elizabeth was afflicted by madness in the form of epileptic fits and violent spells, while this might explain, but certainly not excuse, some of her deeds, others remain as testaments to a far more calculating cruelty. Many of her reported crimes involved long, drawn-out tortures, not acts of sudden violence. She is also reported to have disposed of two of her castles in order to finance her 'pastime', also not actions reconcilable with anything so simple as a savage and bloody temper.
Of course, any conclusion drawn at this time would be merely speculative, and certainly to claim any single root to Elizabeth Bathory's insanity would be trivialising the nature of madness to the level of soap opera analysis. While it is beyond doubt that by modern standards Elizabeth Bathory was quite insane, it would seem to have been a deep-seated and complex madness rather than a periodic imbalance. While the confiscation of her first child can not have failed to affect her, it seems unlikely that it would have by itself created the creature described in the trial reports.
Ultimately, we can never really know the causes and motivations of Elizabeth Bathory's actions. We can only look back on the case of the Blood Countess, and wonder at the brutal culture and the extraordinary circumstances that might have created such a monster among monsters.
1At the time Transylvania was in Hungary.2Only at a much later date did the stipulation that her victims be virgins appear.3The closest any comes are descriptions of the Countess biting her victims, and of being so soaked in blood in pursuit of her pleasures that she had to wash and change her clothes.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Hmm; So she was Innocent; Countess Dracula
From Countess Dracula by Tony Thorne:
Finally, someone has a fresh theory about the alleged crimes of our favorite Countess. He explores many historical and so called eye witness accounts, and presents theories for why she was so vilified. As he writes the Kindle edition of his book, “If we can apprehend the way of life and thinking of Elizabeth Báthory and her contemporaries, perhaps we can perceive the logic in their actions and they will case to be unreachably alien.” Isn’t that what all the fiction written about her is trying to do? And at this point, I will contend that outside of her own letters, all of the so-called biographies are all fictional accounts.
One argument he makes is that women of all walks of life were aware of and skilled in healing arts of all types, some involving pagan ritual or forms of “magic” or what was then seen as witchcraft. Other remedies were steeped in tradition, herbology, and old legends. Pharmacies were nonexistent in villages and virtual fiefdoms, while only a few existed in larger cities.
People in Eastern Europe were used to home remedies, and these were often more effective than what contemporary medicine offered. In the witch hysterias that followed, healing women, often old crones who lived like hermits in the woods [Think Blair Witch and Hansel and Gretl for negative connotations], were both consulted for their knowledge and later vilified, even burned.
The legend/biography of Sairy Gamp, a figure connected with nursing, illustrates some of these issues.
Erzebet was by all accounts, well versed in various remedies and healing arts, and in the incantations connected with them. Women of all stations, Thorne points out, lived intimately, and mistresses of great estates like Erzebet were charged with caring for wounded warrior husbands and family members, distant relatives who lived with them and served them, their fiefs and virtual serfs, villagers, and anyone else under their protection. Child birth was almost entirely in their realm, even where other parts of Europe might be employing male physicians.
Cosmetics were also sought after, and homemade. As Thorne writes, “The use of magic cosmetics, which Elizabeth was accused of posthumously, was alos part of the spectrum of herbalism and healing:” [cf connection with Snow White, Erzebet’s mirrors, and The Brothers Grimm]. Witness this passage by Thorne, his Kindle edition:
Ferenc Schram, in his exhaustive account of the witchcraft trials taking place in Hungary
Between 1529 and 1768, tells the story of women villages fighting over possession
Of a magic cosmetic. Desire for the substance caused a wave of hysteria which
Died down only after the local wise woman had been condemned to death and her ointment had been carried off by her enemies. [Note 20 in Thorne].
Early on, Thorne writes that a woman accused of being a witch had a ‘good chance’ of being acquitted, but it was still a good way to have a political enemy arrested and detained.
Furthermore, Thorne points out that medical treatments were often untried, dangerous, painful, and tortuous. Many died more from the cure than the disease. He mentions blood letting was used to purge many ailments, and that patients often died. Cupping, or burring out illnesses to draw out pus from open wounds would have been a remedy familiar to Erzebet’s household. Perhaps the stories of her using candles and open flame, as well as pincers, scissors, and other similar instruments were the garbled accounts of those who witnessed futile attempts to cure servants suffering from all types of plagues and accompanying sores and skin diseases. Other painful, and to us, strange remedies, included leeching [now back in vogue], cauterizing, purging for excessive humours, venescetion/phlebotomy, which is bleeding. According to Throne, “the more e these methods caused pain, the more efficacious they were …” He notes the resulting backlash against women who practiced healing arts also occurred in England.
Also, Thorne notes that “In central Europe, a popular medical handbook of 1586, the Ars Medica (written by Gyorgy Lencsés, a member of the entourage of Prince Christopher Báthory’s wife, Lady Elizabeth Bosckai), recommends that patients be bound tightly in chains to help expel poisons from the body, after which they should be bathed or steamed” (Quoted in Thorne, Kindle Edition).
It would make more sense, especially given letters she has written to her husband about their daughter’s “mouth rot” and the failed attempts of the dentist/barber/physician to help the child.
Erzebet’s own many ailments would have prompted her to try all kind of remedies so that she could stay healthy enough to manage the family wealth and estates, especially in light of the fact that Ferenc was off to war so often. Herbal baths, and all kinds of bathing, were listed as cures for all types of ailments.
Thurzo’s own wife. Elisabeth Czobor, was skilled in these same healing arts, according to Thorne. Another aristocratic healer was Éva Poppelova Lobkowitz of the Batthyány family. More telling, there was Lady Anna-Rosina Listhius, “whose family contained many alchemists” and whose later fate “echoed that of Elizabeh herself,” and Lady Poetencia Dersffy, who “lent her book of cures to Elizabeth’s father –in-law.
Children, also, were the “center of consciousness” in light of the many wars, plagues, and changes in weather that upset people’s lives and health, and other social reasons. He notes that Erzebet herself lost children in infancy . Such an attitude would have explained the hysteria fed by rumors of what was going on at the castle. It is to be remembered that Erzebet explained the deaths of many of these girls as illness or plague, and the alleged bruises and scars on their body were also, without more evidence, possibly caused by attempt to cure them or medicate them. Thorne makes reference to art that, as Rembrandt put it was lamenting the future,: and he notes contemporary paintings with such grim themes like Brueghel’s Massacre of the Innocents.
As far as Erzebet’s/Elizabeth’s relationship wither own family, there is no evidence, Thorne writes, to show she was shunned or left out of her own family because of any scandal or taint. On the contrary, she was at the center of all their activities, public, private, and political, and appears to have been well respected and thought of. Nor, he writes, is there any evidence that she slipped into the “family madness” or any other type of mental affliction after Ferenc died, or after she entered middle age.
What a shame we don’t have her own testimony, given in her own defense. Of all the figures in this drama, she is the most interesting. And, the most pathetic.
Even after accusation, and even arrest, one commentator writes she was “much respected and loved by other aristocratic ladies: many corresponded with her and more visited her”( quoted in Thorne note 23). Yet, for whatever reasons, Thorne notes that her friends failed her in her most desperate hour of need.
Note also, Thorne does a careful analysis of the most authentic painting allegedly of Erzebet, and the symbols in it, key, pearls, clock, box indicating healing expertise [her son Pals testified she had such a box] show a person of competent and noble character, well prepared for her station in life, not a raving lunatic with a thirst for young blood.
It just isn’t fair.
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: The Legend of Al Capone's Doll Collection; A reque...
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: The Legend of Al Capone's Doll Collection; A reque...: Anyone who has information about this legendary collection, please contact me. You may use the emails posted on any of my blogs, or comment...
Sunday, May 19, 2013
A Parallel Life; In Memorian Anne Boleyn

Saturday, May 18, 2013
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Wild Horse gets five star review!
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Wild Horse gets five star review!: On its first day of publication, Wild Horse Runs Free got a 5 Star Review! Thank you, Tom Swift!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Wild Horse Runs Free; a new Novel of the Apache
My romance about two Apache teens and their Apache and White families will appear tomorrow on Kindle. There is oer 20 years of authentic research in this book, which has become a labor of love in many ways. One of the characters, Red Feather, took over the story, and then ovetook the hero! I hope my readers will find the story enjoyable, and they will enjoy the hero's journey from the Southwest of the 19th century to the cobbled streets of New Orleans and back.
Also, the cover for the long awaited book on Metal Dolls is here. The book will be in print within two weeks, and will be available through me, and eventually on Amazon.
I have been writing and research dolls and other topics heavily, and hope to have a productive summer. Recently attended a fantastic estate sale of a long time collector, artist, and seamstress. I was amazed at how many things there were and at how clever she was at storage and organization. The newest dolls date from around 2000. All items were labelled, sometimes with the donor's name, but also with date, year, and occasion for the givt.
To paraphrase Carl Fox, it is amazing what people quietly collect behind the quiet walls of their homes. I wish I could have had a dialog with this lady. All her dolls were cherished and well-kept, and must have give her hours of pleasure. She had made miniature wedding gowns that had darts and linings where applicable, and tiny shoes and doll clothes for all kinds of dolls. She favored collectible Barbies and modern porcelain dolls, with some vintage artist reproductions of antiques like Hilda by JDK, and other Kestner and German bisque dolls. Many of these were over 30 years old, from a doll show which is no longer held.
Also, am beginning research on a writing project involving Hugo and various automatons. We are studying them again in my intellectual property class as well. It is fun to show them to my students, and to tie them in with patents, technology, and robotics.
I would love to hear for your doll collecting and writing adventures any time. Look for Wild Horse on Kindle free days as well.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Countess Dracula by Tony Thorne
It has been awhile, but I've started writing the second YA novel based on Erzebet, and reading the above book about her life. This is the best researched book yet, even more so than Infamous Lady. Thorne is careful in explaining the history of the region, historical era, and Bathory family. He points out that the various forms of the languages spoken in Erzebet's time are often innaccurately translated. For example, articles denoting gender can be feminine or masculine. Also, he point out that virtually none of the servants personally implicated Erzebet. Only Fisczko, whose name itself has several meanings, mentions "the mistress" towards the end of his interrogation. Throne reiterates the accusations and allusions made under torture, and gives a better picture of who the feckless servants involved were. He debunks myths about Erzebet, and points out inccuracies and exaggerations in McNally's books and in romanticized horror novels about her, mostly written during the 19th century.
Throne observes that for all her alleged fraternization with the servants, Erzebet, as an upper class woman, did not speak or understand their dialect. How likely would it be that she would be wallowing in their pastimes? He also points out more grudges and motives her accusers would have had against her.
Thorne does not attempt to whitewash The Countess, but he is fair and well reasoned. I don't know yet if he is a lawyer, but he would make a good defense attorney. Also, the case as he describes it against her reminded me very much of the McMartin Preschool cases. It is great reading, overall. I've also spotted a book called Bad Girls in which the usual fictionalized bio of Erzebet appears.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Doll Museum: Ancient, Medieval, and Unusual Dolls Revisited
Doll Museum: Ancient, Medieval, and Unusual Dolls Revisited: I am researching dolls again, for my upcoming book, but also for a project we do in class. I will post links of some of the articles i ...
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Thank you to my Viewers/Readers
Friday, April 12, 2013
Women executed for Withcraft--in 2013!

Monday, April 8, 2013
Dr. Who

Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Her Kind - Guest Post by Author Robin Throne, about other Pioneers and Women with Special Insight
Below is a guest post from our good friend and talented author and chronicler of women's histories and struggles, sympathetic to our efforts on behalf of Erzebet and other misrepresented and misunderstood women:
Debut novel fictionalizes the lost great river village of Parkhurst, Iowa
Thank you to the incomparable Dr. Ellen for allowing me to share some thoughts about the historical research behind my debut novel, Her Kind, released last month by 918studio. Her Kind is a fictional account of the settlement of the real-life, lost great river village of Parkhurst, Ia., now part of Le Claire (voted one of the “2013 coolest small towns in America” by BudgetTravel).
LeClaire historian, Dorothy Lage, first chronicled a narrative history of this eclectic river town with her self-published manuscript, LeClaire, Iowa: A Mississippi River Town (1976). In it, she characterized the attractiveness and functionality of Pau-pesha-tuk, the agitated waters of the big river, a series of rapids that drew some of Iowa’s first settlers after the Blackhawk Treaty of 1832, and later rapids pilots before the lock and dam system tamed this tumultuous stretch of river. The diverse blend of cultures, personalities and vocations led to the establishment of an even earlier set of communities that thrived along this unique stretch of the big river border of LeClaire Township, Scott County, Ia.
Lage’s interpretation of the LeClaire oral histories said Eleazor Parkhurst, Iowa immigrant and native of Massachusetts, crossed the river and arrived in Iowa in 1834 from Port Byron, Ill. (est. 1828), and purchased an existing log cabin and 180-acre land claim on the Iowa side of the big river that had been built earlier that year by George Harlan. See this home on LeClaire’s River Pilots Self-Guided Tour.
Although reports differ, Parkhurst had arrived to a community of somewhere between 500-1000 Sac natives that resided along this stretch of the river after relocation from their Illinois village of Saukenuk under President Jackson’s 1830 Indian Removal Act.
Prior to the Homestead Act of 1862, that clarified property claim rights in the new states and territories, earlier land acquisition claims in the LeClaire area of the Iowa district of the Wisconsin Territory were handled by the Dubuque land office. Parkhurst extended his Iowa land grant west and north along the big river in LeClaire Township, some accounts say as long as two miles, settled the first farm, and built a house from native stone and stucco in 1842.
Eleazor Parkhurst then convinced his brothers, Sterling and Waldo, to join him in the Iowa district, and his post office application was approved in 1836 establishing the village of Parkhurst. That same year, Sterling and Thomas C. Eads, who had purchased a portion of Sterling’s property, jointly began to plat out the town of Parkhurst. Surveyors making the original survey of the Black Hawk Purchase in 1837 recorded finding this town in section 85, LeClaire Township, and said it was prospering.
Prior to the official Parkhurst plat, another topographer made his way through the Iowa district in 1835 and came across the early Parkhurst settlement. Lieutenant Albert M. Lea (namesake of Albert Lea, Minn.) had this to say about Parkhurst in his self-published work that led to the official state name of Iowa:
Of this place, not yet laid out, it is sufficient to say that the site is beautiful, the landing good, building material convenient, and the back country fine. There is nothing wanting to make it a town but the people and the houses, and these will soon be there. Its position at the end of the Rapids will throw a little more trade and storage there then it would otherwise have. A good deal of trade of the Wabesapinica will find a port at Parkhurst; and many persons, emigrating from Illinois and the Lakes, will pass by this route (p. 39).
Lea’s book was later reprinted in 1935 by the State Historical Society of Iowa and renamed, The Book that Gave Iowa its Name.
In 1839, the Parkhurst post office was renamed Berlin, and Lage and others have noted that this may have been due to the influx of German immigrants within that period. In 1845, the name was changed back to Parkhurst and in 1847, the post office became LeClaire, and the village of Parkhurst became the Parkhurst addition.
Get Robin Throne’s Her Kind, a novel free from Kindle April 5-7! She is the recipient of the 2013 David R. Collins Literary Achievement Award, and see why Her Kind readers are giving 5-stars at GoodReads!

Monday, April 1, 2013
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Lord Clapham (Doll) | V&A Search the Collections
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Lord Clapham (Doll) | V&A Search the Collections: Lord Clapham (Doll) | V&A Search the Collections
Monday, March 18, 2013
New Newsletter about Erzebet is out

Excellent Women, Witchcraft, a Doll and Anne Sexton: New Novel Her Kind
918studio releases Throne fiction debut: Her Kind
LECLAIRE, IOWA — March 18, 2013 — 918studio announced today the release of a debut novel from author, professor, and small press publisher, Robin Throne. Her Kind, a novel was inspired by Anne Sexton's famous poem of the same name, and is an epistolary novel of an unassuming matriarch who chronicles a family migration from England to the new England to Iowa, and the settlement of the lost river village of Parkhurst (now part of historic Le Claire).
Throne was also named the recipient of the fourth David R. Collins' Literary Achievement Award March 16 at the Midwest Writing Center's Literary Banquet at the Outing Club in Davenport. Past recipients have included notable local authors, Sean Leary, Michael McCarty, and Connie Corcoran Wilson.
Her Kind, a novel is available for purchase at the Midwest Writing Center, Artswork in Le Claire, The Book Rack in Davenport and Moline, Book World in Southpark Mall, and Prairie Lights in Iowa City. The Kindle version is available from
Past releases from 918studio have included Nancy Ann Schaefer's In Search of Lode (2012), The Legend of Tug Fest and other LeClaire Ghost Stories (2012), Jane VanVooren Rogers' How to avoid being and other paths to Triumph (2011), and Ellen Tsagaris' Sappho, I should have listened (2011).
For more about 918studio, visit
Sunday, March 17, 2013
The Laugh of the Medusa and Erzebet Bathory
Of Medusa:
Medusa is of course, the Greek myth’s female monster with wings, scaly body and claws, and snakes for hair. She is mortal with a beautiful human face. She has two sisters like her who are immortal. The myth states that anyone who looks at her turns to stone. As with many of the female monsters in Greek myth, Medusa was turned into a monster for punishment; she was vain and bragged about her beauty one time to many. The gods were angered and zapped her.
Perseus ultimately slays her; he cuts off her head but does not view her directly; he uses his shield as a mirror and looks into it. She is sleeping at the time of her death. I have to wonder how heroic his act really is. In essence, he slaughters a sleeping, helpless woman, lying in the bosom of her family for protection. The immortals had already punished her enough; did they have to have her murdered, too? Different, yes, but how ugly was she really? The gods and goddesses of Olympus were still jealous enough and angry enough to put a hit on her.
Thereafter, Perseus carried the image of Medusa’s head on her shield.
I draw comparisons with Medusa and Erzebet. Both are subject to “myth” and the ruling religions require their persecution and destruction. Jealousy and anger play a factor in the fates of both, and both are subject to “overkill” beyond their punishment.
Actually, there are many good versions of the Medusa story; she even makes appearances in Clash of the Titans. Joseph Campbell, Thomas Bullfinch, Sir James Frazier, all have written credible accounts of the Greek myths. For my money, I’ll take Edith Hamilton and Mythology any time. When I read and reread her, I always detect a little sympathy for the monster.
Actually, I have to say, I felt sorry for Medusa.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: With Love from Tin Lizzie; A History of Metal Doll...
Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: With Love from Tin Lizzie; A History of Metal Doll...: See Below: Results 1-1 of 1 User Review - Flag as inappropriate We all have our own personal history shaped by the dolls that were p...
Erzebet used to Follow me on Twitter
Well, it seems I did get the Twitter links copied. It didn't show on my drafts at all. When I first started my Twitter account, one of my first followers was someone calling himself/herself Countess Erzebet Bathory, 17th century Vampire Countess. This person is no longer found on Twitter, but I found the experience interesting and unnerving. My Lady, are you still out there?
Twitter and Erzebet and Elizabeth
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Results for elizabeth bathory
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Oct 1What The F*** Facts@WhatTheFFacts
"The Bloody Countess" was a title of Elizabeth Báthory as she killed people so that she could bath in their blood to retain her beauty.
Retweeted 701 times
2 hrsMochammadHifzonAˆ⌣ˆ@MhifzonA
13 hrsLaura Diamond@DiamondLB
@SpartaGus Metamorphosis. It's about Elizabeth Bathory as a vampire. Nice idea, awful execution.
Followed by Georg Grey
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16 hrsElizabeth Reyes@ereyes312
Check out Elizabeth Bathory by `mehmeturgut on @deviantART …
Followed by Yahoo! and 2 others
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16 hrsKrista ♥@CorsetScars
Watching a documentary on Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess aka my favorite female serial killer :3
Mar 5Chorus@Phantasmacore
A song I wrote about Elizabeth Bathory V.O.T.P -The Blood Countess: via @youtube
Followed by Warren Whitlock
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Mar 5jessica@jaskamarie
actually i'm just going to crank out this berlin dada paper and then make my tenth attempt to draw elizabeth bathory without punching myself
Mar 4∞@SalemAnne
I'm probably gonna turn out like Elizabeth Bathory but that's really not so bad
Mar 3Miles Gloriosus@PaleCompanion
People I find it difficult to trust: Anyone with a good word to say about Elizabeth Bathory, who TORTURED AND MURDERED AT LEAST 80 CHILDREN
Mar 3Valerie Moses@moses_says
In the last three days, I have watched documentaries about Elizabeth I, Rasputin, Elizabeth Bathóry, Bloody Mary & Emperor Nero. #nerdalert
Mar 3Kassandra Scalendia@Kassandra_Kc_
I got Elizabeth Bathory. on "Which Killer are you most like?"
Mar 3Tony James @DigitilSkull
Anonymous asked: What do you think of Countess Elizabeth Bathory?
Followed by QuotesNSmiles™
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Mar 2Cynthia Man-Killa@CynthiaManKilla
Elizabeth Bathory. 1st woman serial killer. inspired the book Dracula. estimated killing 500 girls n bathed in blood. Castle is still up.
Mar 2Jessie Van Amburg@vie_cachee
@sarasimon16 And I would dress maybe as Catherine de Medici, or Elizabeth Bathory?? WHY CRUEL WORLD WHY
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Mar 2Nick Chester@nickchester
@remina_west Everyone woman deserves her Elizabeth Báthory moments from time to time.
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Mar 2Samantha Payne@SamCHML
Nightmare game night part 3!! Tonight's features: Anne De Chantraine and Elizabeth Bathory. #FridayNight
Mar 1Adrianna@adka101
omg I just read history about elizabeth bathory's life . SHE WAS SUCH AN HORRIBLE WOMAN. HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE ???
Mar 1Gerald Bergen@quixoteland
@SleepawayChamp: What about the one for Metroid where Samus turns into Elizabeth Bathory, soaking in the blood of Mother Brain?
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Mar 1Charlie Courtland@bitsyblingbooks
BLOOD COUNTESS: Elizabeth Bathory-historical fiction-
Followed by Brian and 1 other
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Feb 28Darbocalypse@DarbocalypseNow
Found out the official canon sequel to Dracula by Bram Stoker's nephew Dacre Stoker features Elizabeth Bathory.
Feb 20Fangoria@FANGORIA
Witness Elizabeth Bathory's BLOOD PRIVILEGE on stage in NY …
Feb 9Dr Karen Oughton@DrKarenOughton
A fascinating ITV documentary on Elizabeth Bathory here (with one unintentionally very funny bit in it): … #horror
Followed by Jonathan Hatfull and 3 others
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Jan 31Dementia - 13@RRedbond
Countess Erzebet(Elizabeth) Bathory - 1560 - 1614 would bath in the blood of her victims,and drink their blood
Followed by Dark Princess and 1 other
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Jan 17Leanne Woodfull@LeanneWoodfull
So, so, so messed up.. but so interesting. Gah! …
Jan 13『ルイーズ』@ame_arashi_niji
Elizabeth Bá Feel pretty sorry for all those girls in Hungary during the 1600s. …
Jan 13arclight@arclight
Catching up: The @causticpodcast investigation of Countess Elizabeth Bathory was far more disturbing than I expected
Jan 7executedtoday@executedtoday
"Countess of Blood" Elizabeth Bathory wasn't executed for her alleged homicide spree, but 3 servants were on 7 Jan 1611
Nov 11Josh Kore@milkkore
It would appear that "Blood Countess" Elizabeth Báthory may have been on to something... …
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Oct 21executedtoday@executedtoday
Young blood can reverse some effects of ageing Elizabeth Bathory was right! #sci
Young blood can reverse some effects of ageing, study finds
Blood from young mice improved learning and memory in older mice, and increased connections between their brain cells
The Guardian@guardian · Unfollow
Oct 4Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampires Series Elizabeth Bathory, Satan, Vampires & More! will you be ready? Book 2 NOVEMBER!
Oct 1What The F*** Facts@WhatTheFFacts
"The Bloody Countess" was a title of Elizabeth Báthory as she killed people so that she could bath in their blood to retain her beauty.
Sep 30Suzannah Lipscomb@sixteenthCgirl
After researching the story of Elizabeth Bathory this week, it's a bit odd to see this on the back of a metaller a
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Sep 26✨Rybrator@Rybrator
Behold the Blood Red Ruby droplets of The Elizabeth Báthory Collection Coming this October to scare us all
Sep 8Tara Moss@Tara_Moss
My letter to Elizabeth Bathory (and action figure of her bathing in blood) for @womenofletters tonight. #bwf2012
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Aug 22TheGloss@theglossdotcom
Today's #ShelvedDolls is the darkest ever: Elizabeth Bathory, history's most prolific female serial killer. …
Aug 22Jennifer Wright@JenAshleyWright
You look pasty. Maybe you would like to read about Elizabeth Bathory. Then put on sunless tanner. Don't kill people. …
Aug 7Beth@horror_magic
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood Countess’ was born – this monster was one of the most prolific …
Followed by Mike Poliwoda and 1 other
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood...
By Beth@horror_magic
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood Countess’ was born – this monster was one of the most prolific serial killers of all time. It wasn’t just the sheer number of how many she murdered...
Tumblr@tumblr · Follow
Aug 7Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Elizabeth #Bathory's birthday is like Christmas for us! Let's start with some education for the uninitiated... …
The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory - Part 1/3
From Discovery Channel
YouTube@YouTube · Unfollow
The legend of Ersebet Báthory, the 'Blood Countess' as a story of narcissistic disorder #OTD
Aug 7Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Just after the witching hour, it's Elizabeth Báthory's birthday! We'll be celebrating our villainess all day... :)
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Jul 23JUICE@JuiceNovel
Juicy News: Review of Hellboy: Blood and Iron Hows' this for a pitch? Hellboy Verus Elizabeth Bathory! Don't know w
Followed by J Kennedy
Jul 18Tonner Doll Company@Tonnerdoll
@CharlieRiley819 the t-shirt is cool because it comes with her royal crest on the back: ^kv #dollchat
In reply to Charlie Cecil Riley
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Jul 15Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampires Series Elizabeth Bathory, Satan, Vampires & More! will you be ready?
Jul 9Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampire Series The blood countess herself, Elizabeth Bathory is one the characters. Unholy Testament bk1
Jul 8SMI@Soalmusikindie
Elizabeth Bathory | @E_BathoryJKT | Jakarta | Deathcore | …
Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos
Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) Lyrics, Songs, Music, and Videos by the band Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) at ReverbNation
ReverbNation@ReverbNation · Follow
Jun 17deviantART Digital@dA_digital
Elizabeth Bathory by *JessiBeans [Fantasy]
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May 28The Daily Macabre@TheDailyMacabre
New Short Film Review: Bloodbath (2012) A cool spin on the whole Elizabeth Bathory Tale. Check It Out: #Horror
Followed by Full Moon Features
May 25DiscoveryID@DiscoveryID
Legend and history have it that Elizabeth Bathory killed 650 people - mostly young women.
May 12The Spooky Isles@SpookyIsles
Elizabeth Bathory - the real life Countess Dracula @madgoatstudios #hammer #horror
Apr 3Joe Rogan Experience@JoeRoganExp
IHC#22: Joe on: The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory
The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory - Part 1/3
From Discovery Channel
YouTube@YouTube · Unfollow
Jan 25, 2012Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Who knew virginity was such a widespread problem?? (Maybe #ElizabethBathory set up shop in this town...)
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Jan 19, 2012Kat Von D@thekatvond
Watched 'The Countess,' n noticed I have much in common w the late Elizabeth Bathory (minus the whole killing-virgin-girls-for-blood thing).
Jan 11, 2012Charlie Courtland@bitsyblingbooks
Interested in the history of the blood countess? Elizabeth Bathory hist. fiction by Charlie Courtland
Followed by Brian and 1 other
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Dec 23, 2011FEARnet@FEARnet
Exclusive: Allison Scagliotti on Her Elizabeth Bathory Film ‘Chastity Bites' and ‘Warehouse 13' Season 4
Dec 20, 2011Ain't It Cool News@aintitcoolnews
AICN HORROR: Ambush Bug Interviews Director John Knowles about the new Elizabeth Bathory vamp film CHASTITY BITES!!!
Nov 9, 2011Dustin Rowles@pajiba
Pajiba Storytellers looks at the Czechoslovakian Legion, Tycho Brahe and Elizabeth Bathory, with more to come:
Oct 22,
Elizabeth Báthory may be one of the most bloodthirsty serial killers, accused of killing 612 of her female servants.
Sep 27, 2011Lee Jinki (이진기)@OnewloveSG
(Rumors) Girls' Generation "The Boys" tracklist: The Boys Bubble Bath (Feat. Elizabeth Bathory) Lunch with Louis (cont)
Sep 27, 2011Girls' Generation@GGPalace
[RUMOR] The line up for SNSD's new album The Boys Bubble Bath (Feat. Elizabeth Bathory) Lunch with Louis XIV...
Sep 5, 2011Tammy M. Lafontaine@TammyLafontaine
Photo: jasmine-blu: Actually a trial was held, but Elizabeth refused to plead either guilty or innocent, and...
Aug 26, 2011Ben Thompson@BadassoftheWeek
Badass of the Week - Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess of Transylvania:
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Results for elizabeth bathory
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Oct 1What The F*** Facts@WhatTheFFacts
"The Bloody Countess" was a title of Elizabeth Báthory as she killed people so that she could bath in their blood to retain her beauty.
Retweeted 701 times
2 hrsMochammadHifzonAˆ⌣ˆ@MhifzonA
13 hrsLaura Diamond@DiamondLB
@SpartaGus Metamorphosis. It's about Elizabeth Bathory as a vampire. Nice idea, awful execution.
Followed by Georg Grey
View conversation
16 hrsElizabeth Reyes@ereyes312
Check out Elizabeth Bathory by `mehmeturgut on @deviantART …
Followed by Yahoo! and 2 others
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16 hrsKrista ♥@CorsetScars
Watching a documentary on Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess aka my favorite female serial killer :3
Mar 5Chorus@Phantasmacore
A song I wrote about Elizabeth Bathory V.O.T.P -The Blood Countess: via @youtube
Followed by Warren Whitlock
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Mar 5jessica@jaskamarie
actually i'm just going to crank out this berlin dada paper and then make my tenth attempt to draw elizabeth bathory without punching myself
Mar 4∞@SalemAnne
I'm probably gonna turn out like Elizabeth Bathory but that's really not so bad
Mar 3Miles Gloriosus@PaleCompanion
People I find it difficult to trust: Anyone with a good word to say about Elizabeth Bathory, who TORTURED AND MURDERED AT LEAST 80 CHILDREN
Mar 3Valerie Moses@moses_says
In the last three days, I have watched documentaries about Elizabeth I, Rasputin, Elizabeth Bathóry, Bloody Mary & Emperor Nero. #nerdalert
Mar 3Kassandra Scalendia@Kassandra_Kc_
I got Elizabeth Bathory. on "Which Killer are you most like?"
Mar 3Tony James @DigitilSkull
Anonymous asked: What do you think of Countess Elizabeth Bathory?
Followed by QuotesNSmiles™
View summary
Mar 2Cynthia Man-Killa@CynthiaManKilla
Elizabeth Bathory. 1st woman serial killer. inspired the book Dracula. estimated killing 500 girls n bathed in blood. Castle is still up.
Mar 2Jessie Van Amburg@vie_cachee
@sarasimon16 And I would dress maybe as Catherine de Medici, or Elizabeth Bathory?? WHY CRUEL WORLD WHY
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Mar 2Nick Chester@nickchester
@remina_west Everyone woman deserves her Elizabeth Báthory moments from time to time.
View conversation
Mar 2Samantha Payne@SamCHML
Nightmare game night part 3!! Tonight's features: Anne De Chantraine and Elizabeth Bathory. #FridayNight
Mar 1Adrianna@adka101
omg I just read history about elizabeth bathory's life . SHE WAS SUCH AN HORRIBLE WOMAN. HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE ???
Mar 1Gerald Bergen@quixoteland
@SleepawayChamp: What about the one for Metroid where Samus turns into Elizabeth Bathory, soaking in the blood of Mother Brain?
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Mar 1Charlie Courtland@bitsyblingbooks
BLOOD COUNTESS: Elizabeth Bathory-historical fiction-
Followed by Brian and 1 other
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Feb 28Darbocalypse@DarbocalypseNow
Found out the official canon sequel to Dracula by Bram Stoker's nephew Dacre Stoker features Elizabeth Bathory.
Feb 20Fangoria@FANGORIA
Witness Elizabeth Bathory's BLOOD PRIVILEGE on stage in NY …
Feb 9Dr Karen Oughton@DrKarenOughton
A fascinating ITV documentary on Elizabeth Bathory here (with one unintentionally very funny bit in it): … #horror
Followed by Jonathan Hatfull and 3 others
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Jan 31Dementia - 13@RRedbond
Countess Erzebet(Elizabeth) Bathory - 1560 - 1614 would bath in the blood of her victims,and drink their blood
Followed by Dark Princess and 1 other
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Jan 17Leanne Woodfull@LeanneWoodfull
So, so, so messed up.. but so interesting. Gah! …
Jan 13『ルイーズ』@ame_arashi_niji
Elizabeth Bá Feel pretty sorry for all those girls in Hungary during the 1600s. …
Jan 13arclight@arclight
Catching up: The @causticpodcast investigation of Countess Elizabeth Bathory was far more disturbing than I expected
Jan 7executedtoday@executedtoday
"Countess of Blood" Elizabeth Bathory wasn't executed for her alleged homicide spree, but 3 servants were on 7 Jan 1611
Nov 11Josh Kore@milkkore
It would appear that "Blood Countess" Elizabeth Báthory may have been on to something... …
View summary
Oct 21executedtoday@executedtoday
Young blood can reverse some effects of ageing Elizabeth Bathory was right! #sci
Young blood can reverse some effects of ageing, study finds
Blood from young mice improved learning and memory in older mice, and increased connections between their brain cells
The Guardian@guardian · Unfollow
Oct 4Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampires Series Elizabeth Bathory, Satan, Vampires & More! will you be ready? Book 2 NOVEMBER!
Oct 1What The F*** Facts@WhatTheFFacts
"The Bloody Countess" was a title of Elizabeth Báthory as she killed people so that she could bath in their blood to retain her beauty.
Sep 30Suzannah Lipscomb@sixteenthCgirl
After researching the story of Elizabeth Bathory this week, it's a bit odd to see this on the back of a metaller a
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Sep 26✨Rybrator@Rybrator
Behold the Blood Red Ruby droplets of The Elizabeth Báthory Collection Coming this October to scare us all
Sep 8Tara Moss@Tara_Moss
My letter to Elizabeth Bathory (and action figure of her bathing in blood) for @womenofletters tonight. #bwf2012
View photo
Aug 22TheGloss@theglossdotcom
Today's #ShelvedDolls is the darkest ever: Elizabeth Bathory, history's most prolific female serial killer. …
Aug 22Jennifer Wright@JenAshleyWright
You look pasty. Maybe you would like to read about Elizabeth Bathory. Then put on sunless tanner. Don't kill people. …
Aug 7Beth@horror_magic
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood Countess’ was born – this monster was one of the most prolific …
Followed by Mike Poliwoda and 1 other
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood...
By Beth@horror_magic
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood Countess’ was born – this monster was one of the most prolific serial killers of all time. It wasn’t just the sheer number of how many she murdered...
Tumblr@tumblr · Follow
Aug 7Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Elizabeth #Bathory's birthday is like Christmas for us! Let's start with some education for the uninitiated... …
The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory - Part 1/3
From Discovery Channel
YouTube@YouTube · Unfollow
The legend of Ersebet Báthory, the 'Blood Countess' as a story of narcissistic disorder #OTD
Aug 7Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Just after the witching hour, it's Elizabeth Báthory's birthday! We'll be celebrating our villainess all day... :)
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Jul 23JUICE@JuiceNovel
Juicy News: Review of Hellboy: Blood and Iron Hows' this for a pitch? Hellboy Verus Elizabeth Bathory! Don't know w
Followed by J Kennedy
Jul 18Tonner Doll Company@Tonnerdoll
@CharlieRiley819 the t-shirt is cool because it comes with her royal crest on the back: ^kv #dollchat
In reply to Charlie Cecil Riley
View conversation
Jul 15Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampires Series Elizabeth Bathory, Satan, Vampires & More! will you be ready?
Jul 9Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampire Series The blood countess herself, Elizabeth Bathory is one the characters. Unholy Testament bk1
Jul 8SMI@Soalmusikindie
Elizabeth Bathory | @E_BathoryJKT | Jakarta | Deathcore | …
Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos
Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) Lyrics, Songs, Music, and Videos by the band Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) at ReverbNation
ReverbNation@ReverbNation · Follow
Jun 17deviantART Digital@dA_digital
Elizabeth Bathory by *JessiBeans [Fantasy]
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May 28The Daily Macabre@TheDailyMacabre
New Short Film Review: Bloodbath (2012) A cool spin on the whole Elizabeth Bathory Tale. Check It Out: #Horror
Followed by Full Moon Features
May 25DiscoveryID@DiscoveryID
Legend and history have it that Elizabeth Bathory killed 650 people - mostly young women.
May 12The Spooky Isles@SpookyIsles
Elizabeth Bathory - the real life Countess Dracula @madgoatstudios #hammer #horror
Apr 3Joe Rogan Experience@JoeRoganExp
IHC#22: Joe on: The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory
The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory - Part 1/3
From Discovery Channel
YouTube@YouTube · Unfollow
Jan 25, 2012Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Who knew virginity was such a widespread problem?? (Maybe #ElizabethBathory set up shop in this town...)
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Jan 19, 2012Kat Von D@thekatvond
Watched 'The Countess,' n noticed I have much in common w the late Elizabeth Bathory (minus the whole killing-virgin-girls-for-blood thing).
Jan 11, 2012Charlie Courtland@bitsyblingbooks
Interested in the history of the blood countess? Elizabeth Bathory hist. fiction by Charlie Courtland
Followed by Brian and 1 other
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Dec 23, 2011FEARnet@FEARnet
Exclusive: Allison Scagliotti on Her Elizabeth Bathory Film ‘Chastity Bites' and ‘Warehouse 13' Season 4
Dec 20, 2011Ain't It Cool News@aintitcoolnews
AICN HORROR: Ambush Bug Interviews Director John Knowles about the new Elizabeth Bathory vamp film CHASTITY BITES!!!
Nov 9, 2011Dustin Rowles@pajiba
Pajiba Storytellers looks at the Czechoslovakian Legion, Tycho Brahe and Elizabeth Bathory, with more to come:
Oct 22,
Elizabeth Báthory may be one of the most bloodthirsty serial killers, accused of killing 612 of her female servants.
Sep 27, 2011Lee Jinki (이진기)@OnewloveSG
(Rumors) Girls' Generation "The Boys" tracklist: The Boys Bubble Bath (Feat. Elizabeth Bathory) Lunch with Louis (cont)
Sep 27, 2011Girls' Generation@GGPalace
[RUMOR] The line up for SNSD's new album The Boys Bubble Bath (Feat. Elizabeth Bathory) Lunch with Louis XIV...
Sep 5, 2011Tammy M. Lafontaine@TammyLafontaine
Photo: jasmine-blu: Actually a trial was held, but Elizabeth refused to plead either guilty or innocent, and...
Aug 26, 2011Ben Thompson@BadassoftheWeek
Badass of the Week - Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess of Transylvania:
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Results for elizabeth bathory
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Oct 1What The F*** Facts@WhatTheFFacts
"The Bloody Countess" was a title of Elizabeth Báthory as she killed people so that she could bath in their blood to retain her beauty.
Retweeted 701 times
2 hrsMochammadHifzonAˆ⌣ˆ@MhifzonA
Expand Reply
13 hrsLaura Diamond@DiamondLB
@SpartaGus Metamorphosis. It's about Elizabeth Bathory as a vampire. Nice idea, awful execution.
Followed by Georg Grey
View conversation
16 hrsElizabeth Reyes@ereyes312
Check out Elizabeth Bathory by `mehmeturgut on @deviantART …
Followed by Yahoo! and 2 others
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16 hrsKrista ♥@CorsetScars
Watching a documentary on Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess aka my favorite female serial killer :3
Mar 5Chorus@Phantasmacore
A song I wrote about Elizabeth Bathory V.O.T.P -The Blood Countess: via @youtube
Followed by Warren Whitlock
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Mar 5jessica@jaskamarie
actually i'm just going to crank out this berlin dada paper and then make my tenth attempt to draw elizabeth bathory without punching myself
Mar 4∞@SalemAnne
I'm probably gonna turn out like Elizabeth Bathory but that's really not so bad
Mar 3Miles Gloriosus@PaleCompanion
People I find it difficult to trust: Anyone with a good word to say about Elizabeth Bathory, who TORTURED AND MURDERED AT LEAST 80 CHILDREN
Mar 3Valerie Moses@moses_says
In the last three days, I have watched documentaries about Elizabeth I, Rasputin, Elizabeth Bathóry, Bloody Mary & Emperor Nero. #nerdalert
Mar 3Kassandra Scalendia@Kassandra_Kc_
I got Elizabeth Bathory. on "Which Killer are you most like?"
Mar 3Tony James @DigitilSkull
Anonymous asked: What do you think of Countess Elizabeth Bathory?
Followed by QuotesNSmiles™
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Mar 2Cynthia Man-Killa@CynthiaManKilla
Elizabeth Bathory. 1st woman serial killer. inspired the book Dracula. estimated killing 500 girls n bathed in blood. Castle is still up.
Mar 2Jessie Van Amburg@vie_cachee
@sarasimon16 And I would dress maybe as Catherine de Medici, or Elizabeth Bathory?? WHY CRUEL WORLD WHY
View conversation
Mar 2Nick Chester@nickchester
@remina_west Everyone woman deserves her Elizabeth Báthory moments from time to time.
View conversation
Mar 2Samantha Payne@SamCHML
Nightmare game night part 3!! Tonight's features: Anne De Chantraine and Elizabeth Bathory. #FridayNight
Mar 1Adrianna@adka101
omg I just read history about elizabeth bathory's life . SHE WAS SUCH AN HORRIBLE WOMAN. HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE ???
Mar 1Gerald Bergen@quixoteland
@SleepawayChamp: What about the one for Metroid where Samus turns into Elizabeth Bathory, soaking in the blood of Mother Brain?
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Mar 1Charlie Courtland@bitsyblingbooks
BLOOD COUNTESS: Elizabeth Bathory-historical fiction-
Followed by Brian and 1 other
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Feb 28Darbocalypse@DarbocalypseNow
Found out the official canon sequel to Dracula by Bram Stoker's nephew Dacre Stoker features Elizabeth Bathory.
Feb 20Fangoria@FANGORIA
Witness Elizabeth Bathory's BLOOD PRIVILEGE on stage in NY …
Feb 9Dr Karen Oughton@DrKarenOughton
A fascinating ITV documentary on Elizabeth Bathory here (with one unintentionally very funny bit in it): … #horror
Followed by Jonathan Hatfull and 3 others
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Jan 31Dementia - 13@RRedbond
Countess Erzebet(Elizabeth) Bathory - 1560 - 1614 would bath in the blood of her victims,and drink their blood
Followed by Dark Princess and 1 other
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Jan 17Leanne Woodfull@LeanneWoodfull
So, so, so messed up.. but so interesting. Gah! …
Jan 13『ルイーズ』@ame_arashi_niji
Elizabeth Bá Feel pretty sorry for all those girls in Hungary during the 1600s. …
Jan 13arclight@arclight
Catching up: The @causticpodcast investigation of Countess Elizabeth Bathory was far more disturbing than I expected
Jan 7executedtoday@executedtoday
"Countess of Blood" Elizabeth Bathory wasn't executed for her alleged homicide spree, but 3 servants were on 7 Jan 1611
Nov 11Josh Kore@milkkore
It would appear that "Blood Countess" Elizabeth Báthory may have been on to something... …
View summary
Oct 21executedtoday@executedtoday
Young blood can reverse some effects of ageing Elizabeth Bathory was right! #sci
Young blood can reverse some effects of ageing, study finds
Blood from young mice improved learning and memory in older mice, and increased connections between their brain cells
The Guardian@guardian · Unfollow
Oct 4Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampires Series Elizabeth Bathory, Satan, Vampires & More! will you be ready? Book 2 NOVEMBER!
Oct 1What The F*** Facts@WhatTheFFacts
"The Bloody Countess" was a title of Elizabeth Báthory as she killed people so that she could bath in their blood to retain her beauty.
Sep 30Suzannah Lipscomb@sixteenthCgirl
After researching the story of Elizabeth Bathory this week, it's a bit odd to see this on the back of a metaller a
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Sep 26✨Rybrator@Rybrator
Behold the Blood Red Ruby droplets of The Elizabeth Báthory Collection Coming this October to scare us all
Sep 8Tara Moss@Tara_Moss
My letter to Elizabeth Bathory (and action figure of her bathing in blood) for @womenofletters tonight. #bwf2012
View photo
Aug 22TheGloss@theglossdotcom
Today's #ShelvedDolls is the darkest ever: Elizabeth Bathory, history's most prolific female serial killer. …
Aug 22Jennifer Wright@JenAshleyWright
You look pasty. Maybe you would like to read about Elizabeth Bathory. Then put on sunless tanner. Don't kill people. …
Aug 7Beth@horror_magic
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood Countess’ was born – this monster was one of the most prolific …
Followed by Mike Poliwoda and 1 other
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood...
By Beth@horror_magic
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood Countess’ was born – this monster was one of the most prolific serial killers of all time. It wasn’t just the sheer number of how many she murdered...
Tumblr@tumblr · Follow
Aug 7Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Elizabeth #Bathory's birthday is like Christmas for us! Let's start with some education for the uninitiated... …
The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory - Part 1/3
From Discovery Channel
YouTube@YouTube · Unfollow
The legend of Ersebet Báthory, the 'Blood Countess' as a story of narcissistic disorder #OTD
Aug 7Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Just after the witching hour, it's Elizabeth Báthory's birthday! We'll be celebrating our villainess all day... :)
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Jul 23JUICE@JuiceNovel
Juicy News: Review of Hellboy: Blood and Iron Hows' this for a pitch? Hellboy Verus Elizabeth Bathory! Don't know w
Followed by J Kennedy
Jul 18Tonner Doll Company@Tonnerdoll
@CharlieRiley819 the t-shirt is cool because it comes with her royal crest on the back: ^kv #dollchat
In reply to Charlie Cecil Riley
View conversation
Jul 15Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampires Series Elizabeth Bathory, Satan, Vampires & More! will you be ready?
Jul 9Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampire Series The blood countess herself, Elizabeth Bathory is one the characters. Unholy Testament bk1
Jul 8SMI@Soalmusikindie
Elizabeth Bathory | @E_BathoryJKT | Jakarta | Deathcore | …
Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos
Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) Lyrics, Songs, Music, and Videos by the band Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) at ReverbNation
ReverbNation@ReverbNation · Follow
Jun 17deviantART Digital@dA_digital
Elizabeth Bathory by *JessiBeans [Fantasy]
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May 28The Daily Macabre@TheDailyMacabre
New Short Film Review: Bloodbath (2012) A cool spin on the whole Elizabeth Bathory Tale. Check It Out: #Horror
Followed by Full Moon Features
May 25DiscoveryID@DiscoveryID
Legend and history have it that Elizabeth Bathory killed 650 people - mostly young women.
May 12The Spooky Isles@SpookyIsles
Elizabeth Bathory - the real life Countess Dracula @madgoatstudios #hammer #horror
Apr 3Joe Rogan Experience@JoeRoganExp
IHC#22: Joe on: The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory
The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory - Part 1/3
From Discovery Channel
YouTube@YouTube · Unfollow
Jan 25, 2012Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Who knew virginity was such a widespread problem?? (Maybe #ElizabethBathory set up shop in this town...)
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Jan 19, 2012Kat Von D@thekatvond
Watched 'The Countess,' n noticed I have much in common w the late Elizabeth Bathory (minus the whole killing-virgin-girls-for-blood thing).
Jan 11, 2012Charlie Courtland@bitsyblingbooks
Interested in the history of the blood countess? Elizabeth Bathory hist. fiction by Charlie Courtland
Followed by Brian and 1 other
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Dec 23, 2011FEARnet@FEARnet
Exclusive: Allison Scagliotti on Her Elizabeth Bathory Film ‘Chastity Bites' and ‘Warehouse 13' Season 4
Dec 20, 2011Ain't It Cool News@aintitcoolnews
AICN HORROR: Ambush Bug Interviews Director John Knowles about the new Elizabeth Bathory vamp film CHASTITY BITES!!!
Nov 9, 2011Dustin Rowles@pajiba
Pajiba Storytellers looks at the Czechoslovakian Legion, Tycho Brahe and Elizabeth Bathory, with more to come:
Oct 22,
Elizabeth Báthory may be one of the most bloodthirsty serial killers, accused of killing 612 of her female servants.
Sep 27, 2011Lee Jinki (이진기)@OnewloveSG
(Rumors) Girls' Generation "The Boys" tracklist: The Boys Bubble Bath (Feat. Elizabeth Bathory) Lunch with Louis (cont)
Sep 27, 2011Girls' Generation@GGPalace
[RUMOR] The line up for SNSD's new album The Boys Bubble Bath (Feat. Elizabeth Bathory) Lunch with Louis XIV...
Sep 5, 2011Tammy M. Lafontaine@TammyLafontaine
Photo: jasmine-blu: Actually a trial was held, but Elizabeth refused to plead either guilty or innocent, and...
Aug 26, 2011Ben Thompson@BadassoftheWeek
Badass of the Week - Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess of Transylvania:
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Results for elizabeth bathory
Tweets Top / All / People you follow
Oct 1What The F*** Facts@WhatTheFFacts
"The Bloody Countess" was a title of Elizabeth Báthory as she killed people so that she could bath in their blood to retain her beauty.
Retweeted 701 times
2 hrsMochammadHifzonAˆ⌣ˆ@MhifzonA
Expand Reply
13 hrsLaura Diamond@DiamondLB
@SpartaGus Metamorphosis. It's about Elizabeth Bathory as a vampire. Nice idea, awful execution.
Followed by Georg Grey
View conversation
16 hrsElizabeth Reyes@ereyes312
Check out Elizabeth Bathory by `mehmeturgut on @deviantART …
Followed by Yahoo! and 2 others
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16 hrsKrista ♥@CorsetScars
Watching a documentary on Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess aka my favorite female serial killer :3
Mar 5Chorus@Phantasmacore
A song I wrote about Elizabeth Bathory V.O.T.P -The Blood Countess: via @youtube
Followed by Warren Whitlock
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Mar 5jessica@jaskamarie
actually i'm just going to crank out this berlin dada paper and then make my tenth attempt to draw elizabeth bathory without punching myself
Mar 4∞@SalemAnne
I'm probably gonna turn out like Elizabeth Bathory but that's really not so bad
Mar 3Miles Gloriosus@PaleCompanion
People I find it difficult to trust: Anyone with a good word to say about Elizabeth Bathory, who TORTURED AND MURDERED AT LEAST 80 CHILDREN
Mar 3Valerie Moses@moses_says
In the last three days, I have watched documentaries about Elizabeth I, Rasputin, Elizabeth Bathóry, Bloody Mary & Emperor Nero. #nerdalert
Mar 3Kassandra Scalendia@Kassandra_Kc_
I got Elizabeth Bathory. on "Which Killer are you most like?"
Mar 3Tony James @DigitilSkull
Anonymous asked: What do you think of Countess Elizabeth Bathory?
Followed by QuotesNSmiles™
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Mar 2Cynthia Man-Killa@CynthiaManKilla
Elizabeth Bathory. 1st woman serial killer. inspired the book Dracula. estimated killing 500 girls n bathed in blood. Castle is still up.
Mar 2Jessie Van Amburg@vie_cachee
@sarasimon16 And I would dress maybe as Catherine de Medici, or Elizabeth Bathory?? WHY CRUEL WORLD WHY
View conversation
Mar 2Nick Chester@nickchester
@remina_west Everyone woman deserves her Elizabeth Báthory moments from time to time.
View conversation
Mar 2Samantha Payne@SamCHML
Nightmare game night part 3!! Tonight's features: Anne De Chantraine and Elizabeth Bathory. #FridayNight
Mar 1Adrianna@adka101
omg I just read history about elizabeth bathory's life . SHE WAS SUCH AN HORRIBLE WOMAN. HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE ???
Mar 1Gerald Bergen@quixoteland
@SleepawayChamp: What about the one for Metroid where Samus turns into Elizabeth Bathory, soaking in the blood of Mother Brain?
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Mar 1Charlie Courtland@bitsyblingbooks
BLOOD COUNTESS: Elizabeth Bathory-historical fiction-
Followed by Brian and 1 other
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Feb 28Darbocalypse@DarbocalypseNow
Found out the official canon sequel to Dracula by Bram Stoker's nephew Dacre Stoker features Elizabeth Bathory.
Feb 20Fangoria@FANGORIA
Witness Elizabeth Bathory's BLOOD PRIVILEGE on stage in NY …
Feb 9Dr Karen Oughton@DrKarenOughton
A fascinating ITV documentary on Elizabeth Bathory here (with one unintentionally very funny bit in it): … #horror
Followed by Jonathan Hatfull and 3 others
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Jan 31Dementia - 13@RRedbond
Countess Erzebet(Elizabeth) Bathory - 1560 - 1614 would bath in the blood of her victims,and drink their blood
Followed by Dark Princess and 1 other
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Jan 17Leanne Woodfull@LeanneWoodfull
So, so, so messed up.. but so interesting. Gah! …
Jan 13『ルイーズ』@ame_arashi_niji
Elizabeth Bá Feel pretty sorry for all those girls in Hungary during the 1600s. …
Jan 13arclight@arclight
Catching up: The @causticpodcast investigation of Countess Elizabeth Bathory was far more disturbing than I expected
Jan 7executedtoday@executedtoday
"Countess of Blood" Elizabeth Bathory wasn't executed for her alleged homicide spree, but 3 servants were on 7 Jan 1611
Nov 11Josh Kore@milkkore
It would appear that "Blood Countess" Elizabeth Báthory may have been on to something... …
View summary
Oct 21executedtoday@executedtoday
Young blood can reverse some effects of ageing Elizabeth Bathory was right! #sci
Young blood can reverse some effects of ageing, study finds
Blood from young mice improved learning and memory in older mice, and increased connections between their brain cells
The Guardian@guardian · Unfollow
Oct 4Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampires Series Elizabeth Bathory, Satan, Vampires & More! will you be ready? Book 2 NOVEMBER!
Oct 1What The F*** Facts@WhatTheFFacts
"The Bloody Countess" was a title of Elizabeth Báthory as she killed people so that she could bath in their blood to retain her beauty.
Sep 30Suzannah Lipscomb@sixteenthCgirl
After researching the story of Elizabeth Bathory this week, it's a bit odd to see this on the back of a metaller a
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Sep 26✨Rybrator@Rybrator
Behold the Blood Red Ruby droplets of The Elizabeth Báthory Collection Coming this October to scare us all
Sep 8Tara Moss@Tara_Moss
My letter to Elizabeth Bathory (and action figure of her bathing in blood) for @womenofletters tonight. #bwf2012
View photo
Aug 22TheGloss@theglossdotcom
Today's #ShelvedDolls is the darkest ever: Elizabeth Bathory, history's most prolific female serial killer. …
Aug 22Jennifer Wright@JenAshleyWright
You look pasty. Maybe you would like to read about Elizabeth Bathory. Then put on sunless tanner. Don't kill people. …
Aug 7Beth@horror_magic
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood Countess’ was born – this monster was one of the most prolific …
Followed by Mike Poliwoda and 1 other
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood...
By Beth@horror_magic
Today in 1560 Elizabeth Bathory or the ‘Blood Countess’ was born – this monster was one of the most prolific serial killers of all time. It wasn’t just the sheer number of how many she murdered...
Tumblr@tumblr · Follow
Aug 7Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Elizabeth #Bathory's birthday is like Christmas for us! Let's start with some education for the uninitiated... …
The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory - Part 1/3
From Discovery Channel
YouTube@YouTube · Unfollow
The legend of Ersebet Báthory, the 'Blood Countess' as a story of narcissistic disorder #OTD
Aug 7Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Just after the witching hour, it's Elizabeth Báthory's birthday! We'll be celebrating our villainess all day... :)
View photo
Jul 23JUICE@JuiceNovel
Juicy News: Review of Hellboy: Blood and Iron Hows' this for a pitch? Hellboy Verus Elizabeth Bathory! Don't know w
Followed by J Kennedy
Jul 18Tonner Doll Company@Tonnerdoll
@CharlieRiley819 the t-shirt is cool because it comes with her royal crest on the back: ^kv #dollchat
In reply to Charlie Cecil Riley
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Jul 15Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampires Series Elizabeth Bathory, Satan, Vampires & More! will you be ready?
Jul 9Carole Gill@carolelynngill
The Blackstone Vampire Series The blood countess herself, Elizabeth Bathory is one the characters. Unholy Testament bk1
Jul 8SMI@Soalmusikindie
Elizabeth Bathory | @E_BathoryJKT | Jakarta | Deathcore | …
Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos
Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) Lyrics, Songs, Music, and Videos by the band Elizabeth Bathory (E.B) at ReverbNation
ReverbNation@ReverbNation · Follow
Jun 17deviantART Digital@dA_digital
Elizabeth Bathory by *JessiBeans [Fantasy]
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May 28The Daily Macabre@TheDailyMacabre
New Short Film Review: Bloodbath (2012) A cool spin on the whole Elizabeth Bathory Tale. Check It Out: #Horror
Followed by Full Moon Features
May 25DiscoveryID@DiscoveryID
Legend and history have it that Elizabeth Bathory killed 650 people - mostly young women.
May 12The Spooky Isles@SpookyIsles
Elizabeth Bathory - the real life Countess Dracula @madgoatstudios #hammer #horror
Apr 3Joe Rogan Experience@JoeRoganExp
IHC#22: Joe on: The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory
The Most Evil Women In History - Elizabeth Bathory - Part 1/3
From Discovery Channel
YouTube@YouTube · Unfollow
Jan 25, 2012Chastity Bites@ChastityBites
Who knew virginity was such a widespread problem?? (Maybe #ElizabethBathory set up shop in this town...)
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Jan 19, 2012Kat Von D@thekatvond
Watched 'The Countess,' n noticed I have much in common w the late Elizabeth Bathory (minus the whole killing-virgin-girls-for-blood thing).
Jan 11, 2012Charlie Courtland@bitsyblingbooks
Interested in the history of the blood countess? Elizabeth Bathory hist. fiction by Charlie Courtland
Followed by Brian and 1 other
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Dec 23, 2011FEARnet@FEARnet
Exclusive: Allison Scagliotti on Her Elizabeth Bathory Film ‘Chastity Bites' and ‘Warehouse 13' Season 4
Dec 20, 2011Ain't It Cool News@aintitcoolnews
AICN HORROR: Ambush Bug Interviews Director John Knowles about the new Elizabeth Bathory vamp film CHASTITY BITES!!!
Nov 9, 2011Dustin Rowles@pajiba
Pajiba Storytellers looks at the Czechoslovakian Legion, Tycho Brahe and Elizabeth Bathory, with more to come:
Oct 22,
Elizabeth Báthory may be one of the most bloodthirsty serial killers, accused of killing 612 of her female servants.
Sep 27, 2011Lee Jinki (이진기)@OnewloveSG
(Rumors) Girls' Generation "The Boys" tracklist: The Boys Bubble Bath (Feat. Elizabeth Bathory) Lunch with Louis (cont)
Sep 27, 2011Girls' Generation@GGPalace
[RUMOR] The line up for SNSD's new album The Boys Bubble Bath (Feat. Elizabeth Bathory) Lunch with Louis XIV...
Sep 5, 2011Tammy M. Lafontaine@TammyLafontaine
Photo: jasmine-blu: Actually a trial was held, but Elizabeth refused to plead either guilty or innocent, and...
Aug 26, 2011Ben Thompson@BadassoftheWeek
Badass of the Week - Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess of Transylvania:
I have been trying to copy and paste the Twitter results I found for Erzebet, but I'm not having a lot of luck. If one does a search under Erzebet Bathory, one finds several pages, including my Tweets from this blog. There are more under Elizabeth Bathory. Having finished Liz: Volume I of tha Bathor Chronicles, I am ready to begin Volume II. The more I read and view about Erzebet, the more I believe she did absolutely nothing. Her crime was being a harsh, Calvinist widow in a hostile patriarchial country. I certainly do not condone or glorify murder or violence of any type, but when she is veiwed in the context of both her own society and modern rules of jurisprudence, she could never be convicted of anything. Thoughts for the day.
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